
Habitually Chic Place to Eat: Freemans

It's finally getting chillly in New York and for me that means it's time to start frequenting my favorite cold weather places. I'm obsessed with decor as much as cuisine when I go out and I love the lodge-like feel and comfort food at Freemans. Tucked away at the end of a little alley, you feel like you've stepped out of the city for a night. The restaurant is a charming delight of warm and cozy little rooms. The taxidermy heads may not sit well with PETA but it reminds me of an old fashioned English pub. Just make sure you get there early since they don't take reservations but this hidden hideaway is worth the wait.

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While I darn Sewing set. SAL Objetivo 3

Volvemos al Sal que estamos trabajando , esta vez con el bordado del la dama con bastidor y la corona que hay sobre ella.
En mi caso he tenido un problema con los hilos. Me faltan algunos colores que creí incluídos. Por eso mi damita está a falta de su camisa y delantal. De ahí que haya adelantado el siguiente Objetivo 3 que será:


En el bastidor bordé mi inicial que saqué de uno de los versos del esquema. El fondo está bordado sobre un hilo de la trama con un hilo . En esta foto detalle podéis ver también un punto especial, smyrna cross stitch. Esta estrella se hace sobre cuatro hebras de la trama con dos hilos y su explicación está en el esquema. Aquí se propone bordarla con el color African Sunset o Chili. Yo he elegido el primero y ademàs lo he ido haciendo a la vez que iba bordando las flores en punto de cruz , que llevan este mismo color. Aún me falta hacer otro color de flores. No penséis que está terminado.

Nos vemos el próximo15 de noviembre . Para entonces espero haber recibido los colores que necesito y dar por terminado el objetivo 2 y 3.
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Living with Art: Part Deux Update

I love it when people I've profiled email me or leave comments. They always add that missing element that makes the story so much more interesting. So I was very excited to receive the following comment regarding my profile of Marc Jacobs' Paris home that was featured in the November 2007 issue of W magazine. I hope you enjoy it too!

"I am the women in the sitting room photo. I'm Marc's personal chef. The photographer, Philip-Lorca DiCorcia decided he wanted me in one of the photos. Marc asked me if I wouldn't mind being in one of the photos with him while I was serving them all lunch on the terrace. It was an offer I couldn't refuse!! We just improvised...the make-up artist didn't even have 'women's make-up' because he thought he was only doing Marc. That's him, by the way(the make-up artist), under the covers, speaking of improvisation!!"

The Marc Jacobs story was a bit of a fantasy and not a regular home feature so it's even more fun to hear the behind the scenes shenanigans! I was also wondering who was under the covers and now the mystery has been solved!

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Operacion: un hogar mas agradable

Para este miércoles , como os dije en el anterior , os enseñaré cómo he decorado mi rincón en mi habitación de costura.

Primero quería enseñaros los corazones de otoño que he hecho en cartón blanco y luego forrado de tela de patch con algún adorno.
Éste por ejemplo , va sujeto con rafia al asa de la cesta.

Corazón de otoño en cuadritos

En este otro añadí una flor precortada que tenía del material de scrap .

Corazón de otoño

Y por último este conjunto de tres que he colgado de la barra de la estanteria metálica.

Corazones de otoño

Todos están pegados con cola blanca. Los botones , al pesar más , los he pegado con el pegamento caliente de pistola. El modelo del corazón lo he sacado del patrón del quilt de Leanne pero seguro que podéis hacer uno sin tener una muestra.

Dediqué un rato ayer a colocar las cosas sobre la estantería. Cambié el cuadro bordado para que fuera más a tono .Ahí podéis ver el año que empecé a bordar punto de cruz.
Estanteria de otoño
Debajo justamente hay otra estanteria pero esta vez de pie.
Así decoré la balda de arriba con detalles de intercambios, regalos, útiles de labores...

Detalles de otoño
...Y así la de abajo......

Más detalles de otoño

Los tres paños que hacen juego los compré hace varios años en Traditional Stitches , una tienda canadiense de la que he sido clienta y que puedo recomendar incluso por sus suscripciones. Ahora no sé donde se podrán encontrar , pero este estilo me encantó y además los conseguí en una de sus ofertas que lanzan todos los meses.

Algunas " estampas otoñales " de este rincón....

Desde luego el frio ya se hace notar aunque todavía disfrutemos de los rayos del sol. Los árboles junto a mi casa ya dejan caer sus hojas marrones, amarillentas y rojas sobre el césped y el cambio de hora parece que nos invita a estar más tiempo en casa por la tarde. Se acercan días para aprovechar el tiempo en casa, al resguardo del frio , con una tarea que nos guste y nos sirva para despejarnos de las tareas y obligaciones diarias.
Por mi parte intentaré dar un empujón a esos trabajos a punto de acabar y empezar el año próximo con menos tarea en mi cesto de labores.
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D.L. & Co. - Modern Alchemists and Purveyors of Curious Goods

There are creative types and then their are creative types that take things to a whole other level. Such is the case with Douglas Little, owner of D.L. & Co., which touts itself as Modern Alchemists and Purveyors of Curious Goods. That's putting it mildly. And what better time of year to profile Mr. Little and his fabulous company than at Halloween!

My first introduction to Douglas Little was through his original signature line of candles. They smelled like nothing I'd ever encountered before and had names that sounded slightly sinister like Thorn Apple, my favorite. I love it so much that I keep hoping he will turn it into a perfume. He already has a line of stationery and other objects and curiosities so I feel like it might be a possibility soon. Fingers crossed!

Last year, House and Garden featured Douglas Little's designs in a spooky spread in the November issue of the magazine entitled Gothic Splendor, and he also recreated the haunting images for the Fifth Avenue windows at Bergdorf Goodman. The following images are so stunning and visually intricate. I love them. You can also check out the Bergdorf windows and the process behind creating them on the D.L. & Co. website under Press.

Douglas Little's creativity and attention to detail continues to astound me. I feel like I never know what he's going to dream up next but I know it will be something fantastic, like the Mori Ex Cacao (Death by Chocolate) collection he collaborated on with Valerie Confections. The perfect Halloween treat to scare your sweet! BOO!

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Chic Designer: Antonia Hutt

I realized recently that I haven't been focusing on interiors as much so I thought it was about time I profiled the home of one of my favorite interior designers, Antonia Hutt. Or at least what her L.A. home looked like in May 2001 House Beautiful magazine. I've held onto the tear sheets for years because I loved her use of color. It's funny that Antonia Hutt claims not to have a favorite color since her home is filled with orange and my home contains not much orange at all even though it is my favorite color.

It seems like nowadays, everyone has a Saarinen table and matching chairs but what really makes this set special is the blue leather cushions. I think the color is really beautiful against the white in her breakfast room. The Tommy Parzinger coffee set isn't too shabby either. And the "painting" is actually a rubbing of the tombstone of a medieval Scottish knight. How unique is that?!

I'm sure most people would never dare pair purple and orange but in the right tones, it's very complimentary. I also love how she placed the sofas back to back which actually make the columns part of the design instead of an inconvenience.

I love the painting Tangerine by Ray Richardson above the fireplace, one of the first Antonia Hutt ever bought, is a wonderful focal point and another use of orange.

The orange plastic on the 1960's dining room chairs is yet another pop of orange and compliments the blue banquette. The photograph of what first appears to be a tree in winter is actually a photograph of a building being demolished and is another unique piece of art in the home.

Antonia says the cream lacquered buffet by Tommy Parzinger reminds her of a Chanel handbag and is the perfect base for the 1970's aluminum lamps with orange shades. The tall mirror is a great vertical accent. If you notice, a lot of the art is tall and vertical and draws your eye upward. Even the shades in the bedroom below are another example.

I don't love the custom coral coverlet and shames on the bed. It's just not my style but other than that, I could move in tomorrow and be very happy. And that's my idea of great design. And what could be better than an orange filled home right before Halloween?!

Photos by John Coolidge
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Bolsito -sobre

En cuanto ví el tutorial que Georgina había hecho de este bolsito-sobre, me puse a buscar dos fats entre mis telas y rápidamente lo tenía terminado. Se hace volando. Os recomiendo que os hagáis uno por lo cómodo que resulta y lo fácil que es.
Espero que no se moleste Georgina, pero le he llamado sobre ( además de tener un nombre para identificarlo ) porque en los laterales se quedan dos bolsillos que me recuerdan a los sobres.
Bolso -sobre

He seguido todos los pasos que ella ha dicho, pero en vez de colocar una cinta para cerrarlo , he puesto dos , una de ellas más fina y con abalorios en los extremos.

Si alguna no conocéis su blog ,no dejéis de visitarlo . Como dirían los de su tierra " tiene cosas lindas, lindas ".
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Habitually Chic Jewelry: Asha by ADM

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever" - John Keats

Every woman should have at least one signature thing that reminds people of her. For me, it's my perfume and my necklaces. I can almost always be found wearing a long beautiful necklace and one of my favorites is by Asha by ADM. Asha's story is almost of fun as her designs too.

Ashley Dodgen-McCormick designs under the name Asha, a nickname given to her by her Cuban grandparent's, and is only 24 years old! Having lived and studied in New York, Paris and Florence, her jewelry reflects a love for art, travel and a cosmopolitan lifestyle. As an art history major at Georgetown University and inspired by the world of aesthetics, Ashley launched her jewelry line to create classic pieces with a fresh appeal.

Ashley incorporates semi-precious stones, natural materials such as shell and ivory, and sterling silver dipped in 18k yellow and white gold with a discerning eye for art and history. Her signature quatrefoil clasp was inspired by frequent visits to the medieval chapel, Ste. Chapelle, in Paris, where she studied at the Sorbonne as well as pre-roman architecture she studied in Italy. Many of her designs are interpretations of architectural motifs and also of vintage pieces found in New York and travels abroad.

You really have to check out the rest of her collection online because these photos don't even do it justice. Her pieces are at the same time modern and classic. I love her mother of pearl necklaces that remind me a little bit of Van Cleef and Arpels but aren't a knock-off. Calypso in New York carries an extensive selection of her designs including the famous Zodiac rings which look similar to the Zodiac necklace above. She just previewed her Spring 2008 jewelry line this week and has added jeweled clutches to her repertoire. I can't wait to check them out because evening clutches are another weakness of mine!

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Panel de otoño

El otoño pasado dejé este panel de patchwork en marcha. Ahora es tiempo de acabarlo. Añadí la última banda en color rojo, coloqué guata de algodón y la trasera. He utilizado ,por primera vez, el spray de pegamento y me ha ido bien. Eso sí, tras pasar un ratito tirada en el suelo, que es donde mejor extiendo el quilt, alisando aquí y allí. Para que la tela que estaba pegada al suelo no se moviera , utilicé cinta de carrocero que da buena solución y se quita en un pispas.

Ya estoy acolchando los motivos, sólo el borde exterior. No quiero que sea un quilt lento de acolchar porque si no, se me queda otra vez sin acabar. Por lo tanto , delimitaré las líneas de cada dibujo y si veo que va viento en popa acolcharé algo más.
Quiero colocarlo colgado en la barra dorada que os mostré el otro día. Así podré darle un aire otoñal a esa parte de la casa.
¿ Y vosotras, tenéis algo de patch entre manos, algún acolchado , un top a medio camino ?
La verdad es que ahora es agradable colocarse el quilt sobre las piernas y trabajarlo con la aguja . Al menos en mi casa ya van dando ganas de poner la calefacción por la tarde ,cuando el sol ha caído.

Nota: El panel se llama Aumtumn Fare y es de Thimbleberries. Un modelo de la diseñadora Lynette Jensen con una medida de 109cm x 64cm . Será más grande según se añadan bandas de tela a los lados , como he ido haciendo yo.
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