
Tony Duquette: Always in Fashion

It seems like Tony Duquette and Dawnridge will always be in fashion and fashion magazines. Harper's Bazaar shot a beautiful spread entitled Fresh Florals for the March 2008 issue which is interesting since they ran the stunning Reese Witherspoon photos of her at Dawnridge in the March 2007 issue. And not to be outdone is Saks Fifth Avenue, who shot much of their Spring 2008 catalog at the famous estate. It's easy to see why anyone would want to use the fabulous chinoiserie decor as a backdrop to even more fabulous clothing. It lends an exotic touch and the orange silk couches add a fun pop of color. Now if it would just warm up so we could wear spring clothes, we'd be all set!

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While I darn Sewing set. SAL Objetivo 10

Ya nos queda muy poquito para terminar el bordado. Para estos días teníamos que hacer la cesta grande.

El próximo objetivo será bordar la otra cesta más pequeña y los dos rectángulos con los pajaritos y el corazón. Continuaremos haciendo el mismo tipo de borde como hasta ahora.

El próximo 1 de marzo tenemos otra cita.
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My Date with Domino

I couldn't ask for a better Valentine's Day date than the March 2008 issue of Domino. It actually arrived earlier than expected which is more than I can say about my last date. Anyway, I digress. This issue, as usual, is chock full of inspiring ideas and beautiful interiors. One of my favorite features is the style evolution of the former homes of legendary magazine editor Mary Jane Poole some of which is seen here. Mary seems kind of spunky for a woman of a certain age and I love her use of color and pattern. Check out that leopard carpet in the bedroom! I think I also have a soft spot for her since she happens to live a block away from me in New York. Just as wonderful is the Brooklyn loft of stylist Lili Diallo that is filled with fabulous art and pops of pattern. Check it out for yourself and you'll want to date Domino too!

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¡¡¡¡Feliz Día de San Valentín !!!!

Espero que te gusten estas flores que planté el otro día en una de las jardineras que tengo en la ventana. Son las primeras de la temporada y disfruto preparando la parte floral de la casa . ¿Te he dicho alguna vez que en otra vida debí ser jardinera ?


Lástima que por aquí hayamos tenido el tiempo algo feo y triste, pero aún así , he pasado un día alegre y entretenido . De momento no tuve suerte en mi participación del intercambio celebrado One World One Heart , ¡ hay que ver la de blogs que he visto !
Pero sí la ha tenido Carol con el trabajo que hice en tela. Ya sabe la noticia y me alegro que le haya animado en esta temporada de estudios que tiene, anda la pobre un poco liada.

Y aquí dejo esa SORPRESA SOBRE MI RINCÓN EN MI HABITACIÓN DE COSTURA Algo muy simple y que hacía un montón que no hacía......Casi se me olvida como tenía que trajinar con el programa de películas del ordenador. Es lo que tiene cuando una pierde la costumbre de usar estas cosas.


Siento el ruidito de fondo. Es del botón de la cámara de fotos.
Si te molesta la música de fondo, dale a la pausa en el enlace de la música, abajo del todo y en rojo.

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Chic Cozy Cottage

It's so funny how you can see an imagine and then end up seeing it again in a different context later that same day. That's what happened to me today. Earlier, I was reading my favorite blogs and Anna at Absolutely Beautiful Things posted the cute little cottage above with a link to an article about Steven Gambrel's guesthouse from New York Magazine.

The living room was the most dramatic aspect had many interesting pieces including (1) an early-twentieth-century Danish ship’s lantern as a chandelier, (2) framed vintage sea-creature prints above the sofa which Gambrel chose to floated in clear glass frames, (3) a Gambrel designed sofa covered in Manuel Canovas nubby oyster cloth, (4) a Belgium coffee table made of iron and slate, (5) armchairs found at the Paris flea market and covered in a shearling bed cover found in a flea market in Uruguay, (6) a sisal rug from Crate and Barrel, and (7) a wood stool covered in orange leather from Antwerp.

Then later that night, I was leafing through the new March 2008 issue of Town & Country magazine and all of the sudden I noticed that the models were sitting in the very same room! Obviously, I'm sure someone at T&C is friendly with Mr. Gambrel and decided his little guesthouse would make a perfect set for their fashion shoot. If you look closely, you'll notice that the green glass jug from the front of the house ends up in the photo too.

Gambrel renovated the cottage first before the main house, which can be seen on his website, and ended up loving the cozy environment which includes a tarpon from the 1920's above the fireplace, a ladder that leads to a sleeping loft and a shell found at a Hamptons garage sale.

The kitchen is also cozy but is only called upon for casual summer meals including corn on the cob which will be served on pewter plates.

It's easy to see why Town & Country would want to hang out in this chic little cozy cottage all day shooting a fashion spread. I wonder if Gambrel rents it to normal folks. I want to hang out there too!
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Be Mine

I don't have a Valentine this year (certainly not from a lack of trying) but I'm vowing to enjoy the day anyway inspite of this fact and thought I would put together a little gift guide anyway.

If you are feeling really indulgent and want to buy your sweetheart something fabulous that also benefits a good cause, check out Sotheby's Red Auction on February 14th where you can bid on love related art from Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, Cecily Brown and Sir Peter Blake pictured above. All proceeds of the sale will go to the United Nations Foundation to support HIV/AIDS relief programs in Africa.

Of course, you could always buy your significant other some flowers but might I suggest something more original than the usual cliche of long stemmed red roses. In fact, I hate red roses. I actually received a bouquet last year and although it was a very thoughtful gesture, it also meant he knew nothing about me. If I am required to know when his favorite sports teams are playing, why can't he take a minute to ask me what kind of flowers I like. Anyway, you can never go wrong with pink peonies or cabbage roses. Even a bouquet of hyacinths would be pretty. Believe me, think outside the box on this one!

There is no better joy in life than chocolate and if you've never tasted a Teuscher Champagne Truffle, you haven't lived! They are one of my favorites and always make a great present any time of year! But if you can't find them in your area, Marie Belle and Vosges are great alternatives. At this point, I'd settle for a Reese's Peanut Butter Heart, my ultimate guilty pleasure.

If you're single and bitter this Valentine's Day, then I suggest you check out this Love is Lame t-shirt. It might be too late to buy it to wear tomorrow, but there's always next year. Happy Valentine's Day!

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Operación : un hogar más agradable

Me encanta decorar mi pequeño rincón según la estación o momento especial. Este año dejé pasar las navidades sin colocar nada y la verdad es que tenía rabiosas ganas de dar un cambio y algo de luz a este lugar. Por eso ,después de que llegaran los últimos adornos de los intercambios que he hecho para S. Valentín, me puse manos a la obra y con orgullo miré cada detalle que me suponía un recuerdo.
Ahí va una muestra.

Mañana, para celebrar S.Valentínos enseñaré el resto. Quizá con sorpresa
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De fil en aiguille

Se me hicieron los ojos chirivitas en cuanto vi el número Spécial Deco de la revista francesa
De fil en aiguille

Pero más alegría me dio saber que alguien de la familia iba a pasar el típico fin de semana parisino .
Le saqué hasta la portada por la impresora para que me la comprara en algún quiosquillo. Así no habría duda. Sin embargo , ¡¡sniff, sniff!!!, por más que preguntó , nadie parecía saber de ella.
Aún así , trajo del brazo el número que estaba en curso.

Lo más interesante, a mi modo de ver, es este neceser.....

...... y este sampler de " estilo americano " como dicen en sus hojas.

En fin, no pudo ser. A lo mejor la próxima vez.
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I Heart Julian Schnabel

I love everything that Julian Schnabel's amazing creativity produces! Plates on a canvas...Genius! Basquiat and The Diving Bell and the Butterfly...Brilliant! Gramercy Park Hotel and a pink palazzo...Stupendous! Alright, you may think I have lost my mind for liking a pink palazzo plopped on top of an old factory and most of New York does too but it's truly a work of art. As much respect as I have for all the famous architects building now, I'm quite franky tired of big glass boxes. They lack a soul but Julian Schnabel's new building in the West Village has soul and style to spare.

Schnabel says he was influenced by a visit he took to the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua Italy and the Giotto frescoes inside but also by American architects Addison Mizner and Stanford White which is why there are Moorish, Turkish and Venetian motifs throughout.

The building houses five residences including his own which is the perfect backdrop for not only Schnabel's own art but his amazing collection of art by Luigi Ontani, Francis Picabia, Cy Twombly, and Man Ray.

In the bedroom hangs Picasso's Femme au Chapeau, and I bet we can be assured that the bed is dressed in linens from his Schabel's wife Olatz's own line. She also designs the pajamas that her husband is famous for wearing around town and the building was named Palazzo Chupi after her nickname.

In the basement of the building is the swimming pool, a very rare occurance in New York.

It's fun to go back and look at Schnabel's designs for the Gramercy Park Hotel after looking at his home because they both have share a similar design aesthetic from the wood beamed ceiling to the black and white floor tiles that are the same in the hotel lobby and in his bedroom.

Both the hotel and home also share a strong use of the color red and even the same saw tooth lamp that Schnabel himself designed that here sits in front of Cy Twomby's Bacchus (Untitled).

Schnabel oversaw the placement of all the art including his own painting Teddy Bears Picnic visible through the dramatic red drapes.

Julian Schnabel's Blue Japanese Painting No. 3 hangs in the Jade Bar which not only boasts Jade colored walls but blue velvet seats and more dramtic red drapes. Each room is like a little jewel box and this one also includes a Jean-Michel Basquiat diptych above the salmon colored niche.

Schnabel's Suddenly Last Summer (Picasso Painting No. 2) above the fireplace in the Rose Bar which reminds me a lot of his Palazzo bedroom from the wall color to the "Picasso" painting.

One of the most dramatic pieces of art in the hotel is the light installation in the private roof club sitting room that sets off the many Damian Hirst paintings in the room.

It really seems like it's Julian Schnabel's finest hour and I really hope he wins the Oscar for Best Director because he really deserves it the award. I also can't wait to see what this modern renaissance man has up his sleeve next. But I'm also curious what he thinks about his 21 year old son Vito dating 44 year old former model Elle MacPherson!
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¡¡¡¡Gracias !!!

Sólo me cabe decir GRACIAS, GRACIAS y GRACIAS a Laura y a Mari -Viges por nominarme a este premio de Arte y PIco que anda circulando estos días por los blogs y que fue creado nada menos que desde Uruguay para premiar el arte y la creatividad, mira por donde dos mis objetivos prioritarios y que intento tener presente día a día.

También quería dar las gracias a estas hermanas que tienen manos de oro, por nominarme en octubre, ( uff ,que lejos queda ya, y yo sin ser agradecida , un tirón de oreja para mí ) al premio Thinking Blogger Award ¿ Se puede pedir más ?

Ambos premios tienen sus reglas , como ya habéis leído en otras páginas. Se supone que debería escoger cinco blogs por un lado y otros cinco por otro. Me resulta muy difícil eso de tener que escoger.Parecería que otros no lo merecen y eso no es así .... De acuerdo que visito alguno más que otro , por amistad o por semejanza en gustos . Eso es natural . De ahí que en vez de elegir cinco , te elegiré a tí que estás leyendo este artículo porque :

1.Eres capaz de difundir con tu blog tus gustos , tu interés por compartir, tus ganas de contar tus ilusiones, tus anhelos , tus alegrías...

2.Das a conocer una afición, las labores, que muchos creen en desuso , y están totalmente equivocad@s.

3.Porque sacas tiempo de donde no lo hay, entre los quehaceres diarios y el trabajo.

4.Das consejos, resuelves dudas, dedicas tiempo a liderar intercambios, compartes información interesante.....

5.Pones lo mejor de tí misma en cada trabajo que comienzas, intentas aprender y eres capaz de superar con empeño aquellas pequeñas dificultades , que con el tiempo, te parecerán una tontería.

......Y así podría seguir, enumerando porque te mereces cualquiera de estos premios.
Mi antorcha ya te la he pasado. Que disfrutes de lo que queda del día.
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Design Inspiration

I know you've all seen this Miles Redd designed apartment before but it's one of my favorites in terms of color inspiration. One of my living room walls is painted a similar peacock blue color and I keep thinking about incorporating the John Rosselli silk Ikat fabric into my scheme. I'm in the mood to redecorate or at least re-edit and/or rearrange my apartment. But of course, that means I need to find the time and that is easier said than done so I guess I'm stuck with what I've got for a little while longer. Sigh.

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