
Antiguos y deliciosos tesoros

Mi colección de detalles antiguos relacionados con la costura, se vio gratamente aunmentada esta semana con algún paquete que contenía lindezas de esas de antaño.... Y es que cuando encuentro estas maravillas surfeando por la red es difícil contenerme . Caigo cual pez embrujado por estas antigüedades que me gusta contemplar e imaginar a quién pertenecieron , en qué lugar vivieron , qué manos las trabajaron.........
Hoy quería compartir con vosotras estas maravillas .... unas puntillas , unos diminutos carretes americanos y otros franceses con pasamanería y puntillas ....¿ no son una gozada ?

La belleza de estos carretes en madera se ve arropada por la finura de lo que guardan.

Antique treasures

En otro momento os enseño una pequeña colección nueva de tijeras que hacen juego.
Buen fin de semana, aunque lluvioso
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My Favorite Artist

My favorite artist, Elizabeth Peyton, is also having an exhibition in New York through May 17th at Gavin Brown's enterprise. I dream of owning one of her hauntingly beautiful portraits someday which will require me to work really hard to be able to afford it since her work has continued to skyrocket in price. But until then, I'm going to have to make do by visiting the gallery and looking at her book again. Sigh.

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Walton Ford in New York

Walton Ford seems to be everywhere these days and now he has a new exhibition at the Paul Kasmin Gallery in New York from May 8th to July 3rd. I can't wait to see his amazing watercolors up close.

According to the press release, Ford's work depicts animals embodying degrees of personification in the context of isolated historical events with meticulous detail. Transient moments recalled in Ford's work comment on, in his words, "the cultural history of our relationship with animals."

"Ford is especially interested in the perceptions of animals by humans as evidenced by documentation. After researching specific stories, Ford offers his interpretation—sometimes exaggerating the animal's supposed humanness and in other instances, stripping the animal of imposed metaphors, and thereby restoring the candor of the animal's bestial state. "

Of course, Walton Ford's work is often compared to the work of artist, John J. Audubon, one of Ford's many influences, but I don't think Audubon could ever have dreamed up anything as interesting as Ford's menagerie. Definitely check it out if you are in New York.

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Operación : un hogar más agradable

Decidida a sacar del armario las telas de la colección Mary Rose Shabby Fabrics y con la idea de dar un aire alegre y romántico , hice estos cojines para mi cama.

La particularidad del más grande es que cosí sobre él un bonito tapete rectangular que compré hecho.Así resulta algo diferente y aporta algo de "volumen y textura " al cojín.

Así son por detrás.

Y estos algunos de los detalles.

Quiero añadir alguno más , quizá uno grande en el fondo y dos más pequeños. Ya os iré contando.
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The Private House

"There are those who spend lifetimes in houses that have nothing to do with who they really are. They may be perfectly designed, yet if they fail to reflect the personalities of the people who live in them, the very essence of intimacy is missing and this absence is disturbingly visible." -Rose Tarlow
My friend Charlotte has this interesting little book sitting on her coffee table one day and once I opened it up, I found it completely intriguing. She told me that she had to read The Private House in design school so I figured that maybe it was worth buying for myself. The book published in 2001 is a summary of what Rose Tarlow taught at the UCLA School of Interior Design. I'm not sure if she still teaches or not.

I didn't really know much about Rose Tarlow before I bought the book. According to her bio, "Tarlow’s design career started small, with the opening of her shop, Rose Tarlow Antiques, in 1975. Today her Los Angeles—based company, Rose Tarlow—Melrose House, is renowned for its reproduction—or, in many cases, adaptation—of antiques, as well as its more modern designs."

She describes her style as “fresh, clean, contemporary furniture and art mixed with wonderful old pieces—and a very definite edge of eccentricity.” That's something I can definitely relate to.

Her book is filled with beautiful images and I'm looking forward to sitting down to read it thoroughly when I have the time. It sounds like she has great advice for the amateur and professional designer alike.

I can already tell that the chapter entitled "Confessions of a Shopkeeper" is going to be my favorite. It starts with her saying, "One of my great challenges in life is controlling the temptation to purchase everything I fall in love with. Once I discover a treasure, I am compelled to find it a home." A woman after my own heart!

She recently sold her company, Rose Tarlow - Melrose House, that produces furniture and textiles but I can't imagine her sitting around counting her money. I'm sure she's out shopping somewhere and giving her amazing finds a very happy home!

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Bachelor Pad

My friend finally asked me to help him decorate his apartment recently and I couldn't be more excited! I've been mentally redecorating his place since I first saw it a few years ago so it's not going to be that hard since I already have a plan in my head! I had to show him some concepts though since he can't read my mind so I pulled some of my favorite masculine apartments from some of my favorite male designers.

I love the apartment that Todd Romano designed for Robert Burke so that was first up. I'm looking for paint colors now and I recently read that Romano likes Donald Kaufman DKC-7 a putty color for living rooms and I wonder if it's the color he used here. It looks perfect.

I've already been on the look out for interesting chairs since I told my friend that I wanted his place to look like he inherited pieces from his family or picked them up on his travels.

I'm also planning to add a console to his entry that leads directly into his living room. He needs a place to drop keys and bags but it still has to look inviting when you enter. I love Todd Romanos console and chairs above but I'm thinking about a more streamlined piece.

My friend's step mother is a pretty famous photographer and I'm going to talk to her soon about including some of her black and white photos in the apartment. He also got very excited when I mentioned that he needed a bar. David Jimenez has a small one in his room above but I think my friend needs something a little bigger.

David Netto always gets the mix of modern and traditional perfect and I'd like to incorporate some of his ideas into my plan since my friend has a dark mid-century leather sofa and glass coffee table that we are keeping. I don't think you need to have a blank slate for good design and I don't mind working them into the scheme.

I'm on the fence though about the current rectangular dining table though. The living room is huge and sort of L-shaped so you see everything. I'm trying to work with it but I keep toying with the idea of finding a round table. There are already a lot of angles in the space.

I love Frederic Malle's modern round table and antique chairs. I am also looking for a console for the bar that will be in the dining area but I also like the bookshelves idea. We'll see.

I love this antique chair and interesting stool in an apartment designed by Robert Passal.

He also designed this room in the same apartment with gorgeous dark walls and artwork. I wish my friend had a study that I could paint really dark but since it's all open that's not an option.

Antony Todd is a style genius and I love the color of the walls in his entry hall. This is one of the colors I'm also leaning toward. He also likes Asian art so I'm definitely going to take him to my favorite hidden source for great vintage statues and accessories.

My friend has a long entrance hall similar to this which is calling out for a console and chairs.

I've already sourced some great vintage furniture but I can't wait to start buying up accessories to create "tablescapes" and vingettes. I also wonder if proping up art against the walls would work. After we buy some of course.

I was thinking about adding the task style lamps from my previous post beside the bed but I then I saw these glass lamps in Antony Todd's room. They might be a good option to lighten things up.

I think we are going to keep my friend's wooden bed so it's too bad we can't hang striped wallpaper like Todd Romano did in Robert Burke's bedroom. I think a man's apartment is a great first solo project since I hate overly girly things and dispise pink!

My friend has five closets in his apartment and I am terribly jealous of this fact! Right now they are a bit of a mess and in need of a little TLC. I'm not sure if they will ever look this perfect but it's worth a shot to try. I'm not even sure he has enough clothes for all them so I may have to look into renting space in some of them!

Needless to say, I am very excited to help my friend turn his bachelor pad into a sophisticated grown up apartment especially since he just started his own company and deserves a nice place to come home to after a stressful day. And I look forward to taking you all along for the ride!

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Otro detalle acabado

Una pistilla más de cómo va quedando el armario cajonera.

Lino: 30ct lambwool
Hilo: Seda de Vikki Clayton
Modelo: Les belles letres de V. Maillard
Botones: los últimos antiguos de nácar
Otros: picunela y cinta de raso a juego ...... Algo de cartonage para terminar.

Este hilo es uno de mis preferidos. Hace cierto matizado y el brillo que tiene me pierde.

Espero enseñaroslo completo en la próxima " entrega ".
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Dining by Design

I am always inspired by non-professional interior designer David Jimenez so it was funny for him to tell me he was inspired by a photo that he saw on my blog. A photo of Tinsley Mortimer no less! David loved the photo and decided to use orange, turquoise and chocolate brown as the colors for his Dining by Design table for the fundraiser for DIFFA Kansas City.

Here is Tinsley in all her glory in her new Upper East Side New York home.

David's table was really a room with "richly colored walls, eclectic artwork and lush flowers that gave the space a luxe yet bohemian vibe that made it a magical evening." Makes me wish I lives in Kansas City!

The whole table looked like it glowed!

What I didn't know is that Dining by Design was founded in Kansas City over fifteen years ago and has become the signature event for DIFFA chapters nationwide. I guess New York isn't the center of the universe after all!

My favorite part of the room is all the amazing art! I might have to see if any of it is for sale somewhere!

Orange, brown and blue are some of my favorite colors and they couldn't look more perfect than they do here!

David (second from the left) and all his chic friends at the Dining by Design event last weekend. Could they be any more good looking? (Note to self: get teeth whitened before visiting Kansas City next month!) David has such a great eye and fabulous design sense that I'm blown away by all that he does! And he's a sweetheart to boot! Kansas City sure is one lucky town!
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