
Un tapete antiguo de los años 20

Hace unos días recibí esta maravilla.
Fue una afortunada compra en ebay.Mi puja fue la única y por sólo 9 euros , llegó este tapete antiguo desde Inglaterra.

Mucho mejor de lo que esperaba, lleva unas vainicas caladas de esas de escándalo.

Ojo las manos que lo bordaron en esta tela tan fina. Increíble cómo está sacado cada hilito. De verdad que lo admiro.

Lleva una delicada puntilla de ganchillo hecha con hilo finito, de esos que necesitan una aguja de número alto. ¡Es que está perfecto!

Otro detalle del calado con un bordado a mano en el centro.........

Una cenefa , junto con una vainica, recorre los cuatro laterales.

El revés es impecable, casi no se distingue del derecho....... Y sigo admirándome.

Finalmente , todo el tapete con las cuatro esquinas que son una preciosidad.

El sitio para lucirlo no está decidido. No quisiera que mis mozos , accidentalmente, le hicieran un rayajo con el boli o una mancha de pintura. Ya veremos. El caso es que estoy supercontenta con otro tesorito para mi colección .
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Art Smart

I often worry about the future of art and that parents might encourage their children to become doctors or lawyers or bankers...well, maybe not bankers anymore...instead of fostering their love of art. So I like to support anyone who has made a career out of their passion and become an artist and now you can too at UGallery, an online gallery that "provide art enthusiasts access to affordable original artwork while offering young trained artists a platform to launch their careers." I've highlighted a few of my favorite works from the site and I think all of them would make great holiday gifts! And who knows, one of the artists might turn out to be the next Picasso!

Art teaches nothing, except the significance of life. - Henry Miller

Smoke 14, Mark Elverspon, Massachusetts College of Art, photograph $80 (His work is a very affordable version of James Nares!)

Cherry Blossoms, Colette Wirz, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, acrylic, $1900 (Very reasonable when you consider she might be the next Van Gogh!)

Beech Forest, Comusina Hardman, University of Georgia, oil on canvas, $800 (Stunningly beautiful!)

In Congress, Austin Givin, University of Arizona, oil on canvas, $380 (Read the artist's notes to learn more about this plein air painting!)

Candy Colored 3, Kaylie Abela, Massachusetts College of Art, acrylic on canvas, $50(A true bargain for a great work of art.)

I Have a Feeling That You're Feeling Less Days, JenMarie Zeleznak, The Cleveland Institute of Art, oil on canvas, $750 (I don't know which is better, the painting or the name! Love them both!)

Beach Grass, Ryan W. Kimball, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, oil on canvas board, $150 (Looks more sophisticated than what I see in a lot of galleries.)

Shoot for the Sky, Nikole Handel, Cairo Durham High School, photograph, $70 (From a high schooler! Amazing!)

Getty Reflection, Andrew Stein, Carnegie Mellon University, photograph, $100 (Have to support the hometown artist!)

Downward Spiral, Melissa Buchmann, University of Arizona, photograph, $85 (Reminds me of an image I posted on my blog from an Andree Putman designed apartment!)

Top Painting: Sunset Boulevard, Humberto Valle, Ringling School of Art and Design, acrylic on canvas, $700(I see the next Cy Twombley in that painting!)
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Gimme Shelter

The dearth of American shelter magazines has forced me to buy from abroad...ok, no one was pointing a gun at my head but I do get withdrawal symptoms if I don't have something new to flip through, so today I picked up the September 2008 issue of Maison Française. I wasn't even convinced I was going to fork over $9.25 for it until I saw the photo above. I'm a total sucker for interesting interiors with fabulous art. It's not my usual design aesthetic but I love all the interesting shapes and mix of furniture. Turns out the owner is William Sawaya, the co-principal of Sawaya & Moroni, a Milanese design and furniture company. The company produces his own designs which make up a lot of the apartment as well as works by Zaha Hadid and others.

The chair above is the Maxima chair that William Sawaya designed in 2002. I love it's sculptural look and as an Aries, there is something about it that reminds me of a ram. A light by Toshiyuki Kita sits a top a table by Christian Ghion. The painting is by Luciano Bartolini.

I thought the living room looked familiar and then I realized that it is featured in the November 2008 issue of Metropolitan Home! I have to say that it looks better in Maison Francaise which could be do to the photographer or styling. There are no accessories on the table in the Metropolitan Home spread. The sofas are Happy by Paolo Moroni while the Flo tables and Maxima chairs were designed by Sawaya.

The painting above is by Richard Texier and the low benches were designed by Matt Sindall.

I'm not a huge fan of Zaha Hadid, although this weekend I am going to see the Chanel Contemporary Art Container that she designed, but the Moraine sofa above is growing on me. I think it has to do with the fact that it looks upholstered and most of the pieces of hers that I have seen have been slick and cold looking while this one has more warmth. She also designed the Vortexx chandelier which I could live without. The table is vintage from the 1950's and I think the chairs were designed by Gio Ponti. My French is a little rusty so translating the article has been tricky!

Another view of the Zaha Hadid sofa in front of a Sabhan Adam painting and recycled plastic stacking chairs by Sawaya.

The Liorah bed, Maxima chair, and "Blue Velvet" tufted ottoman were all designed by Sawaya. The side tables are by Christian Ghion. Metropolitan Home has a better of the beautiful paneling in this room.

The dining table is another Sawaya design and sits under a chandelier by Hani Rashid. The dining chairs are vintage. Below is a detail of a crystal carafe that William Sawaya designed for Baccarat.

I most love the quote from William Sawaya that ends the Metropolitan Home article, "We do not produce design because we have a factory output to consider. We do it for pure passion. A real gourmet will never feed himself only because he is hungry. He will always search for the best he can find, because he is convinced that he deserves it." Amen!
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Operación : un hogar más agradable

Con los primeros fríos casi invernales , más que otoñales, mi hogar ya va cambiando poco a poco. Antes quería enseñaros cómo ha quedado definitivamente el lugar que os he ido mostrando en artículos anteriores.
Las fotos están tomadas un día de sol, antes de que el tiempo empeorases y se volviese más gris.

Así estaba antes......

....... Y así es ahora...........

Los visillos recogidos ya cubren todo el ventanal . La mesa blanca que hace juego con el aparador restaurado es obra del manitas de la casa ¡ cómo me gusta ! ¡¡¡¡¡¡Y encima la tapa se levanta!!!!!!

Los sillones están cubiertos por tela de lienzo en espera de hacer una funda a medida, ..... cuando haya tiempo. Libros de jardinería , mis collages y más flores secas recogidas en salidas al campo. Todo se aprovecha

Recuerdos de viajes que traen los amigos, un precioso quilt para colgar que me regaló Helena , detalles de jardín, el marco de corazón que me regaló Cristina por mi cumple .....

Las flores secas que me van quedando del patio, los sombreros de paja de mi maridito que se va comprando cada viaje en verano..................

La mesa lleva el mismo tipo de acabado del aparador y está hecha a medida del espacio que teníamos y para que fuera delante de la bancada. Estilo muy diferentes y contrastados .

Como os he dicho , la tapa tiene bisagras que hace que se levante,así puedo cambiar el tapete cuando quiera. En este caso es una tela de las de patch con unos llamativos ramos de rosas .

El ambiente ha quedado mucho más acogedor.
Los colores de otoño van entrando con fuerza ....pero eso os lo contaré en el próximo artículo.
Espero que os haya gustado.
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A New Day

Michelle and Sasha Obama Listening to Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention August 2008, Elizabeth Peyton
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Habitually Chic Designer: Thad Hayes

I saw the bedroom above in our office concept files and loved the mix of dark walls, ivory trim and yellow doors with the pop of red from the lamp. It reminded me of a Mondrian painting. It wasn't labeled but I was excited to find out today that the designer in question is Thad Hayes. I will admit that I'm not that familiar with his work but I am a huge fan now and can't wait for his book Thad Hayes: The Tailored Interior to be published by Rizzoli in April. I think the thing I like best is that he seems to "tailor" his designs to the spaces and probably the client. The Palm Beach house at the end is more opulent but at the same time simple and timeless. Enjoy!

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