
Thimbleberries Club 2009 Quilts

¿ Alguien se anima a empezar Thimbleberries Club 2009 Quilts?

Hay tres tonos. Creo que me gusta más éste, aunque el de colores vivos también es muy bonito.
Empieza en enero de 2009 y acaba en diciembre del mismo año.
Me lo estoy pensando ¿ y tú ?
Puedes votar en la encuesta que está a la derecha.

Actualizado el lunes 3 de noviembre:

En el enlace que facilité aparecen las respuestas a vuestras preguntas. ¡ Ay , ay , ay , hay que investigar un poquito !
Aún así debido a las preguntas que hacéis os haré las siguientes aclaraciones :

-Si nunca has hecho patchwork o tus conocimientos son muy básicos , no te lo recomiendo . Empieza por algo que veas terminado antes y cumpla tus expectativas, así te sentirás motivada y no te frustarás ante algo que ves que no acaba.
-Nunca he hecho un BOM con fat quarters shop, pero por otras compañeras sé que los envíos de pedidos funcionan. De hecho existe un apartado para envios fuera de USA.
-Un BOM son las siglas de Block Of the Month, es decir , se suscribe una a una tienda y mensualmente te envían las telas y patrones para hacer un quilt. Cada mes te pasan el cobro de ese pedido .
Cada mes vas haciendo el bloque o bloques con las telas y patrón que te han enviado , teniéndolo terminado a ser posible cuando recibes el próximo envio . Al cabo de un tiempo tienes todos los bloques hechos y listos para montar.
Es una forma de hacer algo poco a poco y además distribuyendo el pago mes a mes de lo que cuesta todo.
-Thimbleberries trabaja un tipo de telas y un estilo de quilt como éste de estrellas. Las telas tienen cuerpo, no son finitas . son de algodón. Los tonos y estampados son también propios de este estilo. Lynette Jensen creo la marca de la telas en 1989 publicando sus propios diseños y libros hasta que finalmente hizo esta línea de algodones y franelas ( por favor, las más entendidas que aporten más datos si saben o me corrijan ).

-Medidas : 80" x 98" ( 203cm x249cm ) del quilt terminado.
- Bloques al mes : hay que hacer 3 de 6" y 1 de 12". Se utilizan tres telas diferentes en cada bloque. Hay algún bloque con aplicaciones.
-Se incluyen todas las telas para el top y el biés. No la trasera. Se puede encargar separadamente.
- Al incluirte en el BOM, entras a formar parte del Thimbleberries Club que te da derecho a recibir cada mes instrucciones en forma de patrón para hacer otros quilts con el mismo patrón que has recibido ese mes.
-Precio: 9.99$ de inscripción para la reserva .
18.49$ +12$ de envio internacional = 30,49 $ . Al cambio actual cuesta cada mes 24 euros

-Puedes reservar aparte la trasera previo pago de 2.5$ y te lo enviarán con el primer envío y también te lo cobrarán ( 45$ más gastos de envio internacionales ).
La trasera mide 108" y te envían 2.5 yardas .

-En la pág del enlace que di al principio están las de cada uno de tres tonos , así puedes decidirte por uno de los tres.

Creo que lo he dado bastante machacadito . Insisto , hay que leer cuando os doy un enlace. Pasa un traductor cuando tengas dudas y todo resuelto.
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Ghostly White

There is something about white pumpkins that I am loving this year which is funny since orange is my favorite color. I bought a few for my apartment and used them to decorate for the party last weekend. The smaller ones are especially cute and will look nice displayed until Thanksgiving. I wish I was as ambitious as Martha Stewart and could carve lacy designs into them but I don't see that ever happening. Bon Weekend!

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Witch or Sexy Kitten?

I didn't really love the Sex and the City movie but I did love it when Miranda declared that they only costumes for women were witch or sexy kitten. I'm not dressing up this year. Mostly because I don't feel like going out to a bar and competing for attention with 21 year olds wearing little to no clothing. So tell me what you're dressing up as this year. Maybe it will inspire me for next year! Happy Halloween!
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Leave it to the chicest woman to put together the chicest book and hold the launch party at the chicest store. Last week, Kelly Klein launched her new book Horse from Rizzoli at the Hermes store and it is seriously the most fabulous book of the season. Even if you haven't ridden a horse in your life, you'll drool over the photos by Bruce Weber, Helmut Newton, Annie Leibovitz, Robert Mapplethorpe and even Kelly Klein herself who took the beautiful photo above. Enjoy!

Cover photo: Equus Caballus by Wolfgang Ludes

Photographer unknown

Photo by Reinhard Hunger, styling by Chris Himmel

Photo by Yann-Arthus Bertrand

Photo by Peter Llewellyn/PMG Pictures

Photo by Loomis Dean/Time Life Pictures

Photo by Fabio Chizzola

Photog by Fabio Chizzola

Please note: No images may be reproduced in any way, published, or transmitted digitally, without written permission from the publisher.

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United We Stand

I have always wanted to go on a tour of the United Nations but have just never gotten around to it so when I discovered a book entitled The U.N. Building in my office last Thursday, I was beyond excited. Then I found out that October 24th of every year is United Nations Day. Talk about funny timing! The United Nations looks like a beautifully preserved time capsule of mid-century modernism! I love the fact that no one has ruined it by trying to update it since it looks so perfect just as it is. Now, I am even more determined than ever to go and see it for myself in person but until that happens, I will make due with pouring over the photographs in the book. Enjoy!

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Final thoughts...

I wanted to show the other side of the bedroom of the bachelor pad and what it looked like before so you can get a look at the complete transformation. (Just ignore the rumpled sheets please!) The bachelor says it's his favorite part of the apartment and probably because there wasn't much in it before but the bed. Now it's a cozy and comfy refuge from the stress and strain of the city. I'm sure some negative nelly will say that blue was a cliche color for a bedroom but it is the most relaxing color and does help promote sleep. I also knew that I wanted it to be a little less masculine than the living room since he was said he was closer to settling down. (We all know now that was a little bit of wishful thinking.) I do owe a big thank you to his mother for generously buying all the new sheets and pillows! Of course, she said it was his Christmas present but if she's anything like my mother, she'll probably forget by then!

All in all, it was a good first project. The bachelor once said that I would never have another client like him since he liked everything I showed him and pretty much let me do what I wanted and he was right. It also made me realize that I love styling and shopping for the art and accessories. I just heard last week that one woman just goes shopping for design projects. I may just have to look into that! Sounds like my dream job!

Bedroom Before
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The Bachelor Pad: C'est Fini

Now I remember why I only host one party a year. It's exhausting and it's never quite as much fun as being just a guest. I spent all day Friday running around and preparing and most of Saturday too. And then little things kept going wrong like my Blackberry stopped receiving emails and my computer decided to not recognize anything I plugged into the USB port. Weird timing. Luckily, I had made a party playlist on my iPod earlier in the week but I was unable to save the changes I made on Saturday. Of course, all the sudden it's working now. Even weirder.

It also happened to rain Saturday night. A few people cancelled but all in all it turned out to be a fun party. I thought we were going to have too much food but some girls who showed up ended up chowing down. I did order too much wine but that will definitely not go to waste.

A big thanks to my friend Tara who came over early with me to set everything up and wrapped more figs in prosciutto than she would have liked. More thanks to those who braved the rain including Eddie and Jaithan, Ron Marvin and Alejandro, Hollister and Porter Hovey, Michelle Adams and my colleague Kristen. My friend Kelly, who works with Carleton Varney, was too sweet and brought me a copy of Decorating is Fun! which I actually don't own and am excited to read! (I joked that I am going to write my own version entitled, Decorating is Exhausting!) I also made a new friend at the party, artist Lesny JN Felix who invited me on a tour of his studio. We also discussed a few other joint projects so check back later.

The candles in this photo look like they are coming out of the wine bottles but I assure you that they are not! I had a good laugh when Eddie knew that the ceramic beverage container was from Tar-jay! He has a few himself! We also found out that our birthdays are two days apart! Can you say joint birthday party?!

This is how the dining area looked the next day after I cleaned. (Did I mention that I went over and cleaned while the bachelor was out golfing?!) His step mother hates the table but he already had it and we didn't exactly have a huge budget. Sometimes I think it's fun to work with what a person already has than going out and buying everything new.

Someone mentioned last week that the television area didn't look finished and that's because it wasn't. There is also a lot going on next to it with the seating area so I think it's fine that it's not too over accessorized. Plus, it would distract you while you were trying to watch TV. I would have liked to have bought an area rug for under the dining table but as I mentioned previously, the bachelor works on Wall Street and so some finishing touches were put on hold. (The caterer and wait staff I also dreamed about for the party were also put on hold!) I also just painted out the existing dining area light fixture shades and took off the finials to save money. It would have been too expensive to have an electrician to come in and move the electrical box and install a new fixture. It's also a rental so it just made more sense to leave it since the bachelor probably wouldn't have had someone take the new one down before he moved anyway. Someone at the party actually said they liked it too which made me laugh. If they only new what it looked like before!

The new chairs add much needed additional seating and are also much better than what he originally had there (see the before photos here). One of his friends thanked me for the improvement since he has a nicer place to hang out too!

As you might remember the sofa is a C&B Italia from 1973 (before the changed the name to B&B Italia) and the Italian glass and chrome coffee table is also from the 1970's and was designed by Giancarlo Frattini for Cassina. Both were from his step mother and are selling for crazy prices on 1stdibs. The bachelor bought the rug himself last year and it actually worked with the color scheme of browns and oranges.

I can't find the other photo of the bed but you do get a look at the Ralph Lauren dresser that we splurged on. Everyone who saw it fell in love with it. You can't tell here but the wood looks like it's part of an expensive yacht and the pulls are leather and silver. There is supposed to be a small flat screen tv sitting on it but someone hasn't gotten around to buying it which is why the art is hung the way that it is on the wall. By the way, can you tell which painting was bought on ebay for $60 and which one was bought at Flair for $1500???

All in all, it was a 6 month process from start to almost finish. There are still a few details left that need attending to but they might have to wait until things are little more under control financially. I will be forever grateful to my friend for giving me the opportunity to undertake a project all by myself. It was tough and he and I didn't always get along during it. Some people know and others guessed that he and I had at one time dated. It didn't work out but we remained friends. I will admit that I had hoped that the project might bring us closer and result in a happy ending but alas it did not. I may have created the grown up apartment he wanted but someone isn't quite ready to grow up himself. But I do have a great project to add to my portfolio and a lot more time on my hands! C'est fini!

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Para continuar con esta racha quiltera, he empezado otro proyecto que ya tengo bastante avanzado y del que os muestro una pistilla. Las telas son de la última compra que comenté.
Como siempre intento ..... algo nuevo en este nuevo quilt ..... Investigar , aprender y una pizca de curiosidad, esos son los ingredientes para una autodidacta.

Estoy preparando un sencillo vídeo con todo el proceso .Estará terminado cuando haga la última puntada del acolchado. Es el más grande que he hecho hasta ahora y estoy deseando ver cómo acaba.
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