
Decoracion de dormitorios: Un toque de humor antes de dormir

Imagínate al ir a acostarte y retiras el cubre cama y ves estos cómicas cojines, no puedes hacer más nada que reír.
Estos divertidos cojines son una colección de Matt Jones, llamada Pop Pillows. Son unos cojines reversibles con diferentes temas para elegir, Noise Pollution, Angel and devil y Dead tired.
Mira con que detalle puedes darle un poco de humos a tu cabeza, casi como una fotografía, estos cojines brindan un aire lúdico a un simple hecho cotidiano.

Fuente: Designsen.
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Decoracion de interiores en blanco y negro

La sala, posee como centro de atención un sofá con piel de vaca, muy llamativa, acompañada por una chimenea y dos clásicos de Mies Van der Rohe (aquellos del pabellón de Barcelona) pero, por supuesto, "aggiornados".
Pero una mezcla ecléctica es lo llamativo, porque en este blanco espacio con objetos que juegan con su contraste, encontramos unos muebles de estilo clásico, en color madera.
Unas hermosas sillas en color negro con patas en madera, acompañan a una mesa rectangular de vidrio.
El color principal, generalmente es el blanco, el negro sería correr un riesgo importante.
El baño y el dormitorio, poseen un diseño más despojado y minimalista. Y para este tipo de decoración, el blanco y negro, son ideales.

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Jacques Grange - Part Deux

In case you haven't already seen it, Todd Selby has a beautiful look inside the Paris home of Jacques Grange at The Selby. I love the photo of him with the book in front of the Lalanne piece. And those who have already purchased the book are raving about it so start brushing up on your French! Bon Weekend!

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A Dreamy Artist's Loft

I take a painting class every Friday. I love to paint seascapes. The teacher puts on some wonderfully soft music and brews us Cinnamon Tea. I sit on my stool and try to imagine the real sea. While I paint my mind wanders and I dream of where I would paint if I was "real" artist. Here is a picture of an artist's loft in NYC. It comes pretty close to my dream.
All photos Ochs Design
The 2700 sq ft abandoned warehouse space was converted and renovated into an artist's loft by Ochs Design. The painting studio retains the original industrial asphalt floor. The light is incredible!
The studio work table was fabricated from stone and wood left behind by former commercial occupants decades earlier. Only the steel frame is new. I love the wonderful mix of textures every where you look.

Platforms replace walls to define the living space. To the right is the painting studio to the left the living area. Raw industrial surfaces provide the backdrop for art and sculpture. A large skylight lets in daylight to paint by.

The client's desire to leave the space as open as possible led to this luminous fabric sleeping enclosure. Isn't this so romantic?
I love the spare furnishings - what a wonderfully unique side table.
The client likes to cook and entertain. The spacious open kitchen features a 1925 bistro table that seats 16 people. I could have some great parties here!
Just wanted to give you a peek of where I dream about painting when I finally get discovered!

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Jacques Grange

Normally I wouldn't post two books in a row but since Jean-Philippe Delhomme created the advertising for The Mark Hotel that Jacques Grange just redesigned, they seemed to work together. I was at Rizzoli yesterday and happened to see the new Jacques Grange book by Editions du Regard and was blown away! I was also blown away by the high price of over $130 so I didn't buy it but that didn't stop two others from snatching it up while I was there! Did I mention that it's completely in French?!

These photos that I found online don't even do it justice. The interior shots are stunning and I can't wait until an English version, Jacques Grange: Interiors is published by Flammarion in September 2009. Of course, my willpower isn't that good so there is a distinct possibility that I will pick the French version but that means I will finally have to sign up for a refresher French class if I expect to actually be able to read it. But then again, a picture is worth a thousand words, especially those I can't understand!

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The Cultivated Life

For months I had schemed to get a shelter magazine to profile my apartment, but the morning they finally came was, unfortunately, the day after a rather successful dinner party.

I have loved the work of the French artist Jean-Philippe Delhomme since I first saw his advertisements for Barneys and now I am in love with his new book The Cultivated Life! It is witty compilation of "satiric musings" on artistic, literary and decorating dramas and the first published in English! C'est magnifique!

We love entertaining in our dressing room. It's a real conversation piece...even our art world friends are delighted!

Just think of this as the Eames chair of the eighteenth century!

In my apartment a definite aesthetic discipline reigns; the unwritten rules of which don't prevent, unfortunately, a certain common type from loitering here.

Of course it's gorgeous! But I know there's a compulsive minimalist inside of me that could burst out any minute.

The more I progress in the field of design, the more I realize how little I actually know - it's a continual lesson in humility!
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Breakfast with Carleton

I'm not much of a morning person so I am glad I got up early this morning to attend a Designer Seminar Series event at the D&D building featuring Carleton Varney and sponsored by Traditional Home. Mr. Varney tells wonderful stories of his unplanned life as a decorator that includes clients such as President and Mrs. Jimmy Cartner, Joan Crawford, Ethel Merman and even Joe Nameth. Of course, he also spoke about his mentor and boss for 7 years, the legendary Dororthy Draper. Mr. Varney believes that the younger generation is entranced by Dorothy Draper and her style since she represents an era of American glamour that they never experienced. Even what we think of as glamorous today has nothing on the 1940's and 50's. He also sugested that in this uncertain time, color will become even more popular in decorating. Aren't we all in a little need of a little uplifting color?!

After the lecture, Mr. Varney signed copies of his two fabulous books In the Pink and the latest, Houses in My Heart, in the Carleton V showroom which is run by his son, Sebastian Varney (above). My friend Kelly Reynolds was a designer at Dorothy Draper and worked on the Oscar Greenroom last year but now she helps run Carleton V with Sebastian who owns a country house near Christopher Spitzmiller who I was excited to finally meet today. Christopher has a great farm (with chickens!) that he has been restoring for a few years and I can already imagine that it will be just as gorgeous as his New York abode! Their new country neighbor is Eddie Ross who's home I can't wait to see! Talk about small chic world!

During the week, Sebastian Varney lives in a beautiful apartment on the Upper East Side that just needs a few finishing touches before I can photograph it for the blog. While his father's work is full of bold bright color, Sebastian's is a little more subdued but by no means boring. I am going to keep pestering him to complete the last projects because I know you will love it (if he doesn't strangle me first!). I'm sure Sebastian has heard his father's stories a million times but I haven't so I thoroughly enjoyed listening to him this morning. I will also try to remember his advice as I establish my own design firm, "successful rooms have soul." Amen!
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Ideas para separar ambientes

Desde que los lofts irrumpieran en nuestras ciudades hace ya casi dos décadas, los comentarios acerca de su utilidad se suceden. Las opiniones, tantas como variadas, a favor o en contra, impulsoras y detractoras… El loft nace como nueva forma de vida y a él le dedicaremos un capítulo aparte, hoy nos vamos a centrar en algo que el loft trajo consigo.

Los espacios diáfanos son la causa o la consecuencia de los lofts, pero aún dispuestos a vivir en un solo espacio que cubra todas nuestras necesidades, hay tareas que precisan de una cierta intimidad. La búsqueda del espacio personal dentro del compartido, en ausencia de tabiques, requiere creatividad.

Imaginación al poder!! A falta de ladrillos, sirven todos aquellos métodos de separación que se nos ocurran, y las soluciones llegan a nuestras casas a borbotones.

El biombo es una herencia oriental, injustamente tratada durante años por su aparente inutilidad. Y es que hay cosas que han llegado a nuestras manos, mucho antes de que surgiera en nosotros la necesidad de utilizarlas.

Pero ahora gana fuerza día a día ya que nos permite unir o separar estancias en función de la actividad a desarrollar. Es una opción cómoda y ligera y que no conlleva el compromiso de un tabique, que perdurará “por siempre y jamás” en el mismo lugar.

Cualquier mueble colocado estratégicamente cumplirá doble función. Una librería abierta por ambos lados separará ambientes permitiendo el paso de la luz a la vez que sirve para almacenar libros, adornos, figuras… La trasera de un armario ropero, decorada como si de una pared se tratase se convertirá en un tabique divisorio si lo colocamos en el centro de la habitación.

Las mamparas de cristal quizá han sido la última incorporación al mundo de la separación. Son idóneas en espacios de estética vanguardista. Los vidrios se presentan transparentes, translúcidos, rotos, coloreados… además, podemos usarlos como base, y colocar sobre ellos pegatinas o vinilos, transformándolos de esta manera en piezas con un importante peso decorativo en nuestro hogar.

Existen paneles téxtiles y de papel decorados que enrollados en el techo no ocupan espacio, pero desplegados actúan como si de un tabique se tratase, empapelado a nuestro gusto. Tienen la cualidad de que se pueden convertir en un elemento con una alta carga erótica. Detrás del panel, se intuye lo que sucede… pero solo se intuye.

Cortinas a base de cuentas de colores, abalorios, láminas de plástico unidas con anillas formando un panel, tiras de tela de colores… son soluciones rápidas y económicas pero igualmente decorativas.

La vida es cada vez más comunitaria, más plural y más rápida. El mundo es uno y grande, los espacios se abren ante nosotros… pero nosotros nos resistimos y en una lucha constante entre metros e intimidad, exprimimos toda nuestra creatividad desarrollando soluciones realmente ingeniosas.

Fuente: Decoestilo
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Ski Chalet in Chamonix

Off for a weekend of skiing in New Hampshire, but I leave you with a few photos of a wonderful ski chalet near Chamonix, France.

Have a lovely weekend!

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