
Mas regalos navideños

Hace unos días me di cuenta de que no había mencionado nada del regalo que me hizo Nivaira en nuestra visita a Barcelona , con motivo de la feria de Creativa , que ya va quedando lejos pero muy cerca en el recuerdo por lo estupendo que lo pasamos y la gente que personalmente conocí. Ella ya había lo había comentado en uno de sus artículos , pero no quería dejar pasar mi agradecimiento por este super árbol , que hace juego con la corona del año pasado , y que pesa un montón de lo apretadito que está de guata .

Por mi parte le ofrecí un guardatijeras bordado con hilo de seda de Needlepoint y Thread Gathered con una hebra sobre un hilo del lino tintado de Silkweaver , en el color Heritage y con un 28 ct.El modelo es un freebie de Textile Collection , que tenía hacía tiempo.

La idea la tomé de Nataliejo que también lo hizo como regalo, en otro modelo bordado.


Estos son detalles del accesorio en cuestión.

Detalles de guardatijeras
Auque no tomé medidas ,podéis hacerlos una idea comparando su tamaño con las tijeras que coloqué en las fotos.
Bordar sobre 1 con una hebra tiene sus compensaciones y no está mal de vez cuando volver a repetir la experiencia.
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Winter in Stockholm

I'm away for Christmas now but I thought you might enjoy my photos from my winter trip to Stockholm, Sweden two years ago. Stockholm in winter was certainly not at the top of my travel wish list but I'm glad I went. It was really pretty and everyone was so nice. I also think it's fun to travel to Europe near the holidays since they always have great holiday markets and decorations like the Christmas tree in the harbor above.

The first day we arrived, there was a huge snowstorm so the entire city was blanketed in snow and had had a picture postcard beauty. It was also really cold and unlike New York, where the snow is immediately shoveled away, the snow in Stockholm just keeps piling up and all they do is throw some sand down for traction. If you plan to visit Sweden in the winter, definitely pack some practical footwear and warm clothes!

On the island of Gamla Stan, or Old Town, the cobblestone streets snake up and down the hills. On the main street, are the tourist shops but if you walk up the hill, you will find charming little shops and cafes...that is if you don't fall first!

The cafe in the square on Gamla Stan was decorated with greenery for the holidays.

The interior of another cafe was decorated in a traditional Swedish style. I love the pale blue woodwork and wallpaper. Many homes and business also display candles in their windows as well as lighted stars.

On Gamla Stan, there was a shop that had this funny little monkey on display in the window, which we thought was amusing. I wish I had taken a photo of the cute little antique shop across the street where we bought vintage Christmas ornaments and traditional Swedish Dala wood horse and roosters. I bought a lovely vintage rooster for about $20 USD which I actually thought was a bargain until my parent's presented me with two very similar vintage Swedish roosters that they bought at a flea market in Pennsylvania for $5 for the pair. Oh well.

I love this photo of the entrance above where they used natural greenery and berries as holiday decorations. Sweden is known for it's design and has a whole area of the city full of design shops. Most unfortunately were closed when I was there but they are definitely worth checking out if you ever happen to visit Stockholm.

The old buildings on the square were all very charming and painted in various shades of yellows and reds. The focal point was the large fountain and the Christmas tree in the center of the square.

We stayed at the popular Rival Hotel which is owned by a member of ABBA and overlooks a beautiful park Mariatorget that is referred to as the Soho area of Stockholm. The area has very cute shops and restaurants and the subway was close and very easy to navigate. The rooms were very well decorated and had very comfortable beds with fluffy white duvets. Each room has an interesting blown up photograph printed on canvas above the bed. An idea worth stealing for your own home.
On New Year's day, we took a very cold boat ride along the archipelago. Not exactly the kind of thing you want to do when you are hung over and tired after a night out at Riche, the cool Stockholm restaurant/club, but it was worth it. It was great to see the city from the water including the monastery above.
It's funny how some of the photos look like they were taken in black and white because it was so snowy and grey. We sat outside for as long as we could stand it so I missed taking photos of the trip back and side the island where all the mansions were located, including those of former ABBA members. In Stockholm, they take ABBA very seriously! They also all take long walks along the water on Sundays even on the coldest and snowiest days.

I think I would like to take another trip to Stockholm when it's summer and the sun shines all day and night instead of the dark and snowy winter but I guess I'd rather go somewhere cold than no where at all. Vi ses sénare Stockholm!
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Cartonage y algo más.Primera parte

Hace una semana que estoy desarrollando este proyecto y que me ha mantenido ocupada la mayor parte de mi tiempo libre. Quería tenerlo preparado para el Día de Navidad pero no fue posible.
En mi otro blog había comentado esta nueva idea que tomé de otra bloggera. Ella hizo un RR con otras dos amigas .... y me gustó tanto que me animé a hacer algo similar.
Se trataba de hacer una caja que albergase un cuaderno con los típicos deseos navideños. En mi caso he hecho un cuaderno de navidad ,que aunque no está terminado lleva bastante adelantado.
Dejaré el interior para otro artículo.
La caja está hecha a medida en cartón pluma y cartón de 2.5mm. He utilizado cola blanca para pegar las telas que son de Shabby Fabrics y pertenecen a una serie de Moda. Este tono azulado con esas rosas me pareció bastante apropiado a los tonos propios del invierno y de las navidades.

En Navidad caja

Sobre la tapa coloqué una estrella de adorno que contré en una tienda de decoración , de la marca SIA.¡ Qué cosas más bonitas hacen para este tiempo! Siempre caigo con algo.
También añadí una tarjeta que preparé previamente. La estrella está pegada con pistola de pegamento caliente.¡ Le viene al pelo !

En Navidad tapa de caja

Para cerrar la caja utilicé una cinta bordada y que luego es utilizada más ancha para el cuaderno . Son de una de las mercerías de Pontejos.

En Navidad lazo

Rodeando tres lados, una puntilla y sobre ella unos madroños. Ultimamente me están dando mucho juego.

En Navidad caja detalle

¿ Ya quieres ver lo que hay dentro ? .........Una preciosidad de album que estoy haciendo con todo cariño.

En Navidad caja abierta

Lo he titulado " En Navidad "......... porque recoge tradiciones, recuerdos , detalles y otras cosas que son tan típicas de esta época.

En Navidad detalle  de portada

En el lateral he anudado un lazo sobre el que hay adornitos , como el ángel ( también de SIA) que lleva cascabeles en los pies y que suenan cada vez que cojo el album.

En Navidad album

.........Y hasta aquí este artículo de hoy. Ten un poquito de paciencia y pronto verás su interior.
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Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas!

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light.
From now on,
our troubles will be out of sight.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
our troubles will be miles away.

Here we are as in olden days,
Happy golden days of yore.
Faithful friends who are dear to us,
Gather near to us once more.

Through the years
We all will be together,
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now.
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Después de una semana sin poder publicar por motivos varios, quería desde esta forma particular,desearos una maravillosa Navidad y que el próximo año podamos celebrarlo con ilusión y ganas de hacer nuevos proyectos.

Muchísimas gracias a todas aquellas que me han enviado su felicitación navideña.

En Navidad

Los detalles y más fotos de este collage - felicitación están en Alterado
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Santa Baby

I couldn't resist posting this song since it's probably what most people think I would ask for this Christmas. But the two things I really want can't be bought in a store. Although, I did see a lovely Chanel handbag that I wouldn't mind unwrapping.

Merry Christmas!

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