
Bachelor Pad Chapter 3: Painting Predicament

I hate choosing paint colors. I think it's the hardest part of design. I've had a lot of people email for paint color recommendations and I always tell them that paint looks different in every space and in different light and at different times of the day. It's really a crap shoot and on my bachelor pad gamble I did ok but I wasn't perfect.

The painters started yesterday and I could already tell that Horizon (OC-53) from Benjamin Moore was going to be too light in the bedroom. Then today I stopped by and realized that perhaps Collingwood (OC-28) might also be a little too light but Middlebury Brown (HC-68) in the entry looked amazing. The bathroom in White Ice (OC-58) looked fine, as did the kitchen in White Dove (OC-17).

It was decided that we had to go darker in the bedroom so I spent most of my Saturday at the Janovic Plaza/Benjamin Moore Paint store where I am on a first name basis with my helpful salesperson Shawn. I picked out three colors that I had made up in quart sizes to try on the wall and Smoke (2122-40) was declared the winner. It works very well with the other colors so there will be a nice flow through out the space. Luckily, the painter said he would repaint the bedroom for a reasonable rate so it didn't turn out too bad in the end.

The moral of my story is that everyone makes mistakes with paint. It's not the end of the world but mistakes do cost money so it's sometimes best to try the sample pots or have quart sizes made up first. This probably also means that people will stop asking me for paint advice which might not actually be a bad thing!
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Favorite Things: Summer in the City Edition

Memorial Day always heralds the beginning of summer in the city even if the calendar still says spring. My office has already begun summer hours and the rising temperatures are necessitating a change of wardrobe and accessories so I thought it would be fun to share a few of my favorite things that help me get through summer in the city.

First up are dresses. The one above is from Vera Wang Lavender Label but any dress will do as long as it keeps you cool and comfortable. Just throw it on and run out the door and then smile smugly at all the men wilting in their suits. Looking good is the best revenge!

One minute you're sweating outside and the next you are freezing to death in an arctic office. My favorite solution is the summer weight cashmere cardigan from J. Crew. Pick a color, any color. Chances are they have it and the best part is that they are thin enough to stash in your bag when you go back outside.

I'm like a Magpie when it comes to shiny shoes and I have a special weakness for gold. They look great with tanned feet and Jack Rogers makes one of my favorite pairs. I consider them a classic and I love the fact that you can wear them every summer and not worry about them ever being out of fashion. They're definitely on the preppy side but I think the gold makes them a little more St. Tropez than Nantucket.

If you're going to wear a dress, you better make sure your legs are up to par. Everyone always asks me how my legs look so tan and I always admit my secret is Estee Lauder Go Bronze Tinted Self Tanner for the Body. The tint makes it easy to apply and the color looks very natural. But some people swear by Neutrogena and other Clarins so by all means figure out what works for you but just make sure you rub in and wash your hands. There is nothing worse than seeing badly applied self tanner streaks and orange palms.

We've already had one hazy, hot and humid day this week and my hair would have looked much worse were it not for Phytodefrisant. I love it so much that I buy the large economy size otherwise I'd look like Monica in Hawaii! There is nothing chic about frizzy hair.

I've already mentioned my summer perfume, Mimosa by Calypso, before but the deliciousness of this clean scent bears repeating. When everyone else is smelling not so fresh, you'll be smelling like you just stepped out of the shower. It's worth keeping a travel size in your bag for when you have to sit next to some Sweaty McPherson on the subway. You've been warned!

The very best part of summer for me is reading a lite book in the park or on the beach all day! I have a friend going through a divorce right now and she can attest that it's no party but the book, The Divorce Party, is getting great reviews. It's set in Montauk so even if you're stuck on the subway reading it, you can dream about being at the beach.

And if all else fails, you can always call in sick and go lay out in Central Park. Just make sure you wear sunscreen so you don't get caught!
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Call Me!

I'm in need of some personal calling cards at a reasonable price. I have MOO cards with my blog information on them which I love but I think I also need something a bit more chic and professional looking. I really like the letterpress cards from Brooklyn Social Cards but they are $250 for 250 cards which is a bit more than I want to pay at the moment. Does anyone have any other suggestions? Thanks in advance!
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Pretty in Pink

You never know what is going to come up at work and today was no exception. I spent most of the day in meetings regarding the design for a client's new lap pool at her home in Maine which meant quickly researching lap pool dimensions and cold climate pools. Part of my research led me to Martha Stewart's website since she has a home in Maine called Skylands. That's where I found the following photos from her guest cottage with an interior painting entirely in pink. I usually don't like pink but it's a pale dreamy color that works well as a backdrop to some lovely grey wicker furniture. Enjoy!

Photos from marthastewart.com

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Cartonage y Patch. Celebrando cumpleaños

Este fin de semana he tenido un tesoro en mis manos, al menos así a mí me lo parece. ¡ Y encima era para mí !
Después de dejarlo en varias ocasiones , Helena L y yo nos reunimos en casa para terminar un trabajo de scrap que empezamos en el mes de febrero....¡ uf qué lejos parece ya! El caso es que también tuvimos oportunidad de intercambiarnos nuestros regalos de cumpleaños. Las dos lo celebramos en abril.
Anonadada me quedé con este precioso quilt que me hizo ¡ Dios mio que de trabajo lleva !
Me gusta el diseño , los colores y el entusiasmo y esfuerzo que le ha puesto... bueno , eso lo que más. Lo digo porque parte de su proyecto ha sido con una máquina nueva Alpha .... e intentar cosas nuevas ..... ¡ ya sabéis lo que lo aprecio y valoro, nada como las ganas de superarse !

Primero acolchó a mano todas las piezas.....

Luego las repasó por todos sus bordes a máquina para darle más volumen.

También hizo algún contorno interior , como en esta flor.....

El borde también tiene su cosilla ,porque en algunas zonas lleva bloques hechos.

La muy pillina quiere que vaya siempre guapetona, asi que como ya hizo por navidades , me obsequió con algo de abalorios, que está ahora tan de moda. Esta vez un colgante un tanto oriental, que ya he estrenado.......

También tuvo otra genial idea para alguno de mis materiales de scrap, una super caja que podéis ver en Alterado. Allí doy los detalles.

¡Vamos que ando más contenta que unas pascuas!
MUCHÍSIMAS GRACIAS , HELENA . YA TE LAS DÍ EN PERSONA Y TE LAS VUELVO A DAR EN PÚBLICO.Aún estoy reponiéndome de estas sorpresas que ha tenido que hacer después de trabajar , de atender a sus dos pequeños que no superan los tres años y de soportar el cansancio propio de ser otra vez mamá .

Por mi parte, y con mucho cariño le he regalado entre alguna cosilla más , esta pieza de cartonage que ya os había anunciado anteriormente.Es la primera vez que he hecho una carterita en cartonnage como esta y debo decir , que a pesar de no saber francés , no he salido mal parada. La verdad es que las telas tienen gran importancia en este tipo de labor.

Broderie pour un week end es un modelo del libro Cartonagge Brodé , del que tanto se ha hablado y del que ya voy " coleccionando " alguno de sus proyectos como éste y éste.

Este es su interior..

El modelo original tiene un bordado que ocupa la tapa interior y que ya tenía casi terminado cuando por consejo maternal, decidí sustituirlo por una puntillas que dejaban ver la tela estampada. Asi se lograba una terminación " más fina y elegante ".
Y que conste que estuvimos viendo el efecto del lino sobre la tela y la otra idea de quitarlo y dejar a la vista esas preciosas rosas, una y otra vez.

En ese cambio añadí unas flores en seda y unos alfileres . La almohadilla para las agujas lleva una cinta francesa que conseguí en un intercambio y que también es la misma que sirve para el cierre. ¡ Me encantan estas cintas rojas !
Por cierto , el botón que lo cierra es uno antiguo de nacar que mostré hace algunas semanas.

Los detalles..........
Broderie pour un week end

Bueno ,pues ya está desvelado el misterio.
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Inspiration Board

I have an invitation/inspiration board in my bedroom where I hang up invitations, post cards, and pretty pictures. I never really thought it could be a powerful tool until I read an interesting chapter in that book, The Secret. (I usually don't admit to reading any sort of self help books but my friend mentioned it and so I thought I would dig it out from under my bed where it was hiding and actually give it a shot. You know you have a copy hiding somewhere too.) So anyway, one of the suggestions in the book was to create a Vision Board, where you post "pictures of all the things you want, and pictures of how you want your life to be."

There was a very convincing story from a man who pulled his board out of storage five years later to find out he was living in the exact house he had posted. Creepy coincidence or divine intervention? Not really sure but I thought I might give it a try so I posted my dream Mercedes, some pretty shoes and my favorite house and garden. What do you think? I figure it can't hurt, but if it does work, I might have to take down the picture of Mick Jagger by Andy Warhol and pick a more age appropriate soul mate possibility.

Oh, speaking of soul mates, I do take offense at the Relationship chapter that essentially just preaches the Feng Shui principle that tells you to literally make room in your home for another person. There is definitely not room for two people in my apartment so I sure hope someone out there is making room for me! Otherwise, I may have to move!
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