

Diseño de un dormitorio temático para un adolescente o jovencito fanático del futbol. Toda la decoración del dormitorio fue diseñado en base a la pasión del fútbol. El techo esta pintado de verde con un adhesivo blanco que se asemeja a una cancha de fútbol, las almohadas estan hechas en forma de pelotas y también la pared y techo del baño tienen dibujos adhesivos de pelotas.
Imagenes de dormitorio suite para adelescente: www3.informazione.com.br
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Sillas en forma de letras - Sillas ABC - Typographic-Inspired Chairs – ABC Chairs

El mobiliario inspirado en la tipografía es otra de las tendencias para este año en la Dutch Design Week 2010. ABChairs es una serie de 26 sillas tipográficas, las cuales se han mostrado en la feria.
Está diseñadas por el diseñador gráfico Roeland Otten y cada silla representa una letra del alfabeto.

Por el momento estas sillas se pueden comprar sólo a pedido del cliente. Y las ABChairs de tamaño más pequeño para los niños, estarán disponible muy pronto.

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Casa Blanca y negra con fachada delantera y trasera de vidrio - Black and White House With Front And Rear Facades of Glass

Casa 60 es una renovación de una casa suburbana de los 50 en un sitio grande en Toronto, Canadá. Está hecha por GH3 Studio en un estilo totalmente moderno. El tema de color blanco y negro fue elegido como para el interior y exterior.

El vidrio permite que la luz natural ingrese al interior y que desde el interior de la casa se pueda observar la naturaleza.

Más fachadas de casas en: Fachadas de Casas y Casas por dentro
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Dormitorio para niños con tres camas colgantes - Bedroom For Three Boys

Este elegante dormitorio de niños es un proyecto familiar, hechos por los mismos miembros de la familia. La habitación cuenta con camas colgantes inspirada por Ana Blanco, que no solo se ve bien, pero también son muy prácticos en términos de ahorro de espacio.

Las camas están colgadas de las paredes con una cuerda gruesa con ganchos de metal y atornilladas a la pared. Las líneas de cama son de Ikea. Al lado de cada cama hay luces LED. Estas luces son de exteriores, al aire libre y se pueden activar / desactivar con un solo botón.

Via: Decorando Mejor
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Algunos interiores superan el estilo rustico, por el aporte de elementos y materiales muy primitivos y poco trabajados, casi naturales y silvestres, y se acercan al superrustico.


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Sunny in Soho

"If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you'll never enjoy the sunshine." - Morris West

Just a little reminder to enjoy the sunshine this weekend!
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Jolie Laide

I've always been Team Anniston.  It's the hair.  So when I found out that Angelina Jolie was on the cover of the December issue of Vogue, I was none too pleased.  There is something about that husband stealing home wrecker that rubs me the wrong way.  I will admit that the photo above by Mario Testino looks pretty fabulous but I think I still might rip off the cover so I don't have to look at her.  Bon Weekend!
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Belgian Pearls featured in US Magazines!

Can you believe it!? I am excited to let you know that Belgian Pearls is featured in the latest issue of 2 US Magazines!

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Kelly Roberson, who is a writer, editor and project manager based in Des Mones, Iowa, with experience on national and regional publications. She has worked for a variety of magazines, newspapers and books, including ‘Better Homes & Gardens’, ‘Kitchen Makeovers’, ‘Kitchen and Bath Ideas’, ‘Country Gardens’, ‘Country Home’, ‘At Home with Century 21’, ‘Lighting’, ‘the des Moines Register’ and ‘Green Clean’. More to discover on Kelly’s website www.kellyroberson.com.

As freelance writer, working on a story for the Magazine Renovation Style, about limed wood, she came across my blog and emailed me to ask if I could do an email interview on that subject. Of course!!! I was thrilled to do that!!

A few weeks later, my blog is mentionned in a wonderful article Kelly wrote in the winter 2010 issue of the Magazine RENOVATION STYLE.  The article is titled RUSTIC WOOD”.

Even the picture used in the article is from the portfolio of my company LEFEVRE INTERIORS.

So here it is!


Cover RS

Cover of the Magazine Renovation Style, issue Winter 2010.

Renovation Style Winter 2010 page 28 The article, titled Rustic Wood.

Click HERE for a PDF-file of the article.


A few weeks later, an assistant of the Magazine AT HOME with Century 21 emailed me and said that she was interested in the interview Kelly did. Kelly had told her that it could fit in a story for At Home with Century 21!

And yes the same lovely Kelly arranged that my blog Belgian Pearls and me where featured also in this magazine!!

It is a very interesting article about Belgian style!! It is titled BELGIAN BLISS.

Here it is.

AT HOME with Century 21 November-December 2010 Cover

Cover of the Magazine AT HOME with Century 21, issue November/December 2010.


The article, titled Belgian Bliss.

AT HOME with Century 21 November-December 2010 page 10

AT HOME with Century 21 November-December 2010 page 11

AT HOME with Century 21 November-December 2010 page 12

AT HOME with Century 21 November-December 2010 page 13

Click HERE for a PDF-file of the article.


I am so proud to be featured in these Magazines!

A thousand thanks to you Kelly!!!



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Designer Visions: Wall Street by Richard Hallberg

Of all the spaces at Designer Visions at The Setai, I was most excited to see the apartment inspired by Wall Street.  Interior designer Richard Hallberg designed the space for Veranda and imagined where Gordon Gekko would live after he was released from prison.  He would certainly still be collecting art and living well.  What I really love is that the black and white palette is punctuated by antiques and touches of gilt and gold that prevent it from looking too cold.  Richard says he "selected furnishings and decor that represented the 'best of the best,' mixing 18th-century furniture with contemporary pieces, modern art and Roman antiquities to produce a result that is timeless." Hopefully, Gordon will stay out of trouble so he enjoy this apartment for a long time! 

Photos by Heather Clawson for Habitually Chic and courtesy of Hearst
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