
The Tao of Steve

I love Steve McQueen. He is the epitome of cool. A man's man who loved to drive fast cars and have a good time. I even dated a few boys just because they reminded me of him. So when I was at the Taschen warehouse sale yesterday, I just had to pick up a book of photographs of him taken by his friend William Claxton for just $9.99. Because they were friends, Claxton had close access and his photos have a sense of intimacy that today's paparazzi photos will never have. Claxton was also married to model Peggy Moffitt who did a few photo shoots with the actor. Hope you enjoy the photos as much as I did!

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Estos  pequeños dormitorios juvenilles  moderno son exactos para ambientes reducidos y donde son necesarios usar la imaginación para poner cada cosas en su lugar.. Se puede notar que la cama, el armario y los cajones van juntos como un solo muebles, algunas de las camas son dobles.

Imagenes de: Artmobel.com
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Dormitorio infantiles para niños y niñas. Entre ellas tenemos diseños de camas y muebles multifuncional que seran de mucha utilidad cuando no tenemos mucho espacio o muebles para decorar el dormitorios infantil.
Imagenes de dormitorios y camas infantiles: Artmobel.com
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Dormitorio moderno realizado en color blanco con detalle de cristal mora en el cabezal. Los muebles que acompañan a la cama son de color blanco y combinan perfecto con el cabezal color mora. Se siente muy acogedor y tranquilo este dormitorio. Los demás detalles hacen ver mas bonito la decoración.

Imagenes de: Artmobel.com
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Estos dormitorios juveniles pertenecen a la empresa Artmobel, todos los muebles y camas podrás encontrar en la web de esta empresa. Tiene unos diseños variados en colores y estilos.

Dormitorios Juveniles de: Artmobel.com
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Precioso dormitorio moderno con un pequeño toque rústico, con excelentes colores cálidos y muy combinable con el color marrón. Sin muchas cosas de mas, tan sencillo y bonito. El fondo de la pared con piedras le hace ver mas rústico a este dormitorio. Estos dormitorios pertenecen a la empresa española  Artmobel
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Estos diseños de dormitorio moderno con acabados en colores marrones, negro y verde olivo pertenecen a la empresa española Artmobel que ofrece muebles, camas, etc. para decorar el dormitorio.

Imagenes de dormitorios modernos: Artmobel.com
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Weekend Retreat

What better way to start of the weekend but with photos of the weekend lake house of Susanna Salk and her family. The author of A Privilaged Life: Celebrating Wasp Style, is currently working on two new books for Rizzoli, Weekend Retreats, which celebrates country weekend homes and the people who retreat to them, and Rooms of their Own, which will celebrate fabulous children's rooms. Bon Weekend!

Photos by John Gruen
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Thank you!

A big thank you to all the readers of The Nest magazine who voted Habitually Chic one of their favorite home blogs! Be sure to check out the list for more blogs to help you waste time at work!
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Garden Pleasures en proceso

Ya sé el destino de Garden Pleasures
¿ Lo adivinas ?

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The Heights

I almost ordered the ridiculously expensive Ralph Lauren dresser today for the Bachelor Pad but I decided that perhaps I should double check again that it will fit through the vestibule and into to the bedroom and more importantly into the freight elevator. Otherwise, we're going to have a very expensive living room console instead.

I did however take the opportunity to inform our showroom rep that since I was going to be ordering such an expensive item that she should finally get me a replacement knob for the Equilibrium lamp that she had yet to find for another client. That lit a fire under her! Of course the knob is now costing $5,000 but at least we're finally getting it!

I won't tell you exactly what piece I am ordering yet but it is part of the Pacific Heights Collection all of which is perfect for a bachelor including the bar above, although that one is a bit too small for him.

I need to start looking for beautiful vintage or vintage-looking bar accessories soon. If anyone has any good sources that are insanely expensive, please let me know. I'm on a budget remember.

I don't love some of the chairs in this collection but that dining table is pretty spectacular. I saw a Milo Baughman version that was similar but now he wants a round table...for better dinner party conversation...I'm not sure who's he's going to get to help him throw these imaginary dinner parties so if he expects me to lend him a hand, he should start by being a little nicer to me.

Love this wardrobe but the chair, not so much. I also love the black and white photography in the silver frames. I'm definitely making a mental note of those for later.

The Equilibrium Lamps are used as bedside lamps in this bedroom, a trend that I wrote about recently that seems to be becoming more and more popular.

I think the bed linens here look pretty bachelor appropriate. I stopped by Schweitzer Linen last week to take a look but everything looked too feminine. I also stopped into Restoration Hardware today for another client and was pretty impressed by their bed linens. I may be going back to pull together some options. They also have a great box spring cover that I was looking for so I immediately ordered one for the bachelor pad. Now if he would just make his bed, we'd be all set!
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Bachelor Pad Update: Making Progress

We're starting to make some progress on the Bachelor Pad. The painting was finished last week and now we're onto buying furniture. While waiting for some of it to be delivered, I've been keeping busy with little projects including fixing up the bathroom. I bought new towels and accessories, took down a mis-placed towel bar, spackled, painted, hung some art, and generally made the room more visitor friendly.

Half of the time on this project, I feel like the decorator fairy. I come in while Bachelor Boy is at work or golfing and spruce things up and wonder whether he'll notice the changes when he gets home. Meanwhile, realizing that he will have no idea how hard I worked or how exhausting it is to run around all over town looking for white lacquer Jonathan Adler bathroom accessories that are sold out everywhere! The other half of the time, I feel like I'm playing the lead in a Doris Day movie where we're still in the bickering stage. (Bonus points if you can figure out which one!) Makes for some very interesting stories to say the least!

Next up, is ordering a fabulous Ralph Lauren dresser that is a major splurge (even with the 40% designer discount!), figuring out a new dining table option, and finding someone who doesn't charge an arm and a leg to possibly fabricate a built-in looking console along the back wall of the dining area. A decorator's work is never done!
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Recogiendo premios ¡¡¡ GRACIAS!!!

Como este blog acaba de cumplir tres añitos y hace un montón de tiempo le han ido dando premios.... ahora los recojo todos juntos en este artículo.Se han ido acumulando y con eso de ...." a ver si mañana lo publico , a ver si pasado mañana ...." ya me da un poco de vergüenza mencionarlo .
La verdad, no me parece de recibo que te nombre para un premio y luego ,las muchachas que se han acordado de tí, no vean que lo has recogido. En fin, MUCHÍSIMAS GRACIAS A TODAS ELLAS, POR TODO AQUELLO QUE LES PARECIÓ INTERESANTE, LES ENTRETUVO O AL MENOS LES HIZO PASAR UN RATO AGRADABLE LEYENDO LOS ARTÍCULOS QUE ESCRIBO EN ESTE BLOG.

Alice me dijo por el mes de febrero ( ¡ ufff, qué lejos queda ya !) que pasara por su blog porque había mencionado el mío como " Marcada con una etiqueta " ( me he quedado con la incognita de saber qué clase de etiqueta y mira que he buscado ).

Fabiola , ya en el mes de marzo decidió que estaba entre sus favoritos.

Susana, que me escribió un par de mensajes para ver si me había enterado que me había desafiado para definirme en 6 palabras , ahora puede ver que sí que podría definirme como : Madre, Amiga,Maestra, Hija, Hermana e Inquieta .

Emilia y Estherme dieron el premio " Caminamos juntas ". Me gusta el nombre de este premio. Y sí coincido con Emilia en calzar un 37 , aunque a veces eche mano del 38 como Esther , para ir más cómoda. Será la edad. Los zapatos siempre han sido uno de mis delirios .Tendría un armario como esos que se ven en las películas Ahora soy más práctica y casi siempre llevo zapato plano . Aún sigo observando los zapatos de la gente en el metro o los de los que me rodean porque creo que hablan de quién los lleva.

Gladys y de nuevo Emilia pensaron que podría merecerlo por ser bueno y porque además suelen pasar por aquí.

Aldana pensó en darme este premio que también recojo con mucho honor.

Me siento absolutamente cautivada por tanta generosidad.
Perdón, perdón y perdón por ir dejando pasar estas gotas de alegría que al final se conviertieron en una lluvia de regalos.
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Minnie Dresses

As my friends know, I never met a dress I didn't love and now I have new dresses to love designed by socialite Minnie Mortimer. They have a great shape and a great price point. And the shorts are cute too! Too bad they don't come with those legs!

Georgia Dress $200

Tommy Shorts $165

Tatiana Dress $240
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