
Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Photo from Martha Stewart
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Descansando ..... y bordando

Unos días de descanso me han servido para recordar cuánto me gusta bordar. Con tiempo por delante , lo que más anda en mis manos es algo práctico , sin muchos artilugios y que pueda ocupar ratos allá donde me encuentre.

Con la promesa de dejar casi acabado antes de volver al trabajo de nuevo , he elegido uno de mis bordados favoritos, los quakers.
En este caso uno que tenía hacía muuuuuucho tiempo preparado. Es un modelo titulado " The quaker sampler " de The samplar workes.

Los hilos son los propuestos en el esquema, de DMC . El lino un 32ct de Lakeside .

Decidí darle un look nuevo a este lino tan clarito con unas salpicaduras de té negro .
Es una cosa muy simple, calientas agua , dejas reposar una cucharada sopera de té al peso y cuando ya ha cogido color mojas la punta de los dedos y salpicas la tela.

Por primera vez me encuentro con un punto especial en un quaker , como requiere el modelo.... En la foto , he intentado recoger con detalle el Rice Stitch que va componiendo parte de uno de los bordados laterales.

Cómo no hay tantas iniciales familiares para añadir , sustituiré algunas por pequeños rosetones .

Entre este paisaje disfrutamos............. afortunadamente con buen tiempo.

Una vez más los colores de la primavera inundan la efímera vida de las flores..... y captan , como siempre, mi atención .

Más avances en unos días.....
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Visiting on Magazine Street

Blogging is an interesting business. We sit alone and write and our posts, we read other blogs and comment. And yet, what seems like such a solitary activity is actually very social. Over the past year, through Willow Decor, I have had an amazing opportunity to connect and make cyber friendships with several other bloggers. So what a thrill it was to meet two of them in New Orleans: Valorie Hart of Visual Vamp and Julie Neill of The Bayou Contessa. Valorie writes an great blog that keeps it all real. She has a great design sense and style. Her experience with design (and life) allows for her refreshing perspective! Visual Vamp is filled with interesting design ideas, as well as designer and artist profiles.

We met up at perch. - a fabulous must stop shop on Magazine Street. We only had time for a very quick visit, but I was able finally meet Valorie and to shoot some photos of the great items available at perch.
Entering perch. you are immediately impressed by the unique and beautiful inventory. Everywhere you turn in perch. you find another treasure.
I loved this zinc architectural piece - It would make such an interesting mirror. I also adore the antique door it was hanging on.
You know I love the Mora clock and the chair is so wonderful - I love its traditional lines with a contemporary twist! Isn't this a great little table? I like the way Valorie paired the more formal bust with the very contemporary mirror. Valorie called this the "girl-y room" - It really was! A gorgeous mix of watery blues and greens, and my amateur photos do not do this space justice. I wish Valorie and I would have had time for tea there! But, I was very late for a meeting with New Orleans' Bayou Contessa!
Julie was kind enough to spend some time and show me around her beautiful shop. It is housed a 120-year-old building with her showroom in the front and offices in the back. It is a wonderful old historic New Orleans building with 14-foot ceilings and separated into different rooms.When I walked in I nearly lost my breath. EVERYTHING was so beautiful.
And when I turned to the right, I was overwhelmed again by the beauty of another room.
This bed is a new item in Julie's furniture line. It is fit for king and queen and even has a crown on top! Notice the Hallie Chandelier hanging on the bed and the Arrow Sconce.Here is a collection of some of Julie's sconces and starburst mirrors. The patina on Julie's pieces can not be captured in photographs. There is a great depth and layering in the colors, creating a wonderful effect. Sconces pictured in the top photo are Danica and Michael; in bottom photo, Jodi.
Every one of Julie pieces was created for an individual client before they were added to the line. They are named after the person they were made for. If someone gets more than one piece, Julie names them after one of their friends or another member of their family. Of course Julie is best known for her chandeliers. Pictured above is the Madeleine.
Here is another favorite of mine - the Isabelle.
Look at this stunning chandelier named Juliette. I had to take a real close up so you could appreciate the workmanship and detailing.Julie also creates other beautiful furniture. Here is her Garland Vanity, complete with signature Julie Neill crown. Perhaps Julie's most interesting new development is her ability to cut metal into any shape she desires. This is allowing her unlimited options as to what she can create. Pictured above is Artemis Chandelier with crystal drops. The Meme Chandelier was stunning!
I was so taken with this brand new design that I forgot to write the name down. How about the Fabulous!
Here is another new design named Jeffery! And as luck would have it, you will meet Jeffery in my next post!
Another new item is the Chain Spiral. This is an innovative and decorative way to trail your Chandelier chain from the ceiling to your fixture. No more ribbon sleeves for me. So how does Julie ensure that her lights remain stunning? She makes them right in New Orleans. We had a chance to visit the studio and meet the artists, hard at work creating these custom pieces. They spend hours layering and layering to create the special finishes. Julie checks each and every one daily to make sure they all have her signature patina! We had such fun!! Here we all are chatting on the bed! From left to right: Me, Millie Gaines-Interior Designer, Julie Ponze-Director of Sales, and Julie Neill-The Bayou Contessa.
You may not be aware that Julie is also an accomplished artist and sells some of her work in her shop. Here is one of my favorites. The camera did not capture well the gold pattern or the watery teal blue color. I wish it had fit into my suitcase because it really spoke to me.
Finally, Julie does spectacular custom work. Here an entry way done by "Things that Inspire". Aren't Julie's custom sconces just perfect?!
.For more personal information on Julie read the wonderful interview by Ornamental Design. And, to see even more of Julie's beautiful work be sure to visit Julie Neill Designs or The Bayou Contessa.
Thanks Valorie and Julie-it was great to finally meet you!
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April Showers

Dear Mother Nature,

We know that you are terribly busy and we hate to bother you but we'd like to remind you that it's officially spring now. We're well into April and this cold and rainy weather is a bit much. Oh, and you remember the snow this week...not funny! Not funny at all! Last spring was so beautiful! What happened?! I know I speak for everyone when I say that we could all use some cheerful sunshine and warmth right about now. Please. Pretty please!


New York City

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They had me at Hello!

I think most people would assume that young girls in New York are running around to clubs and getting into trouble every night. Well, not my friend Kelly Reynolds and her roommates, Hannah Robertson and Angela Francine. You can usually find them at home crafting or sewing and all their hard work has culminated in the new accessories line, Hello Robertson! Right now, the line consists of headbands and other hair accessories that are perfect for helping create good hair days! Since I don't usually wear anything in my hair, they've promised to start making necklaces too! They definitely had me at Hello!
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Albert Hadley Drawings for Sale!

At the end of March, I received a lovely email from Lizzie Bailey who works at Gerald Bland Antiques (and who also went to school with Laurie Reynolds! Small world!) informing me that they would soon be selling drawings by interior design legend Albert Hadley to coincide with the Kips Bay Decorator Showhouse. Oh, and would I like to come in and preview them before they were sent to the framer? Would I?! I'm sure you can guess that I said yes!

My friend Kevin had just asked me if I wanted to go check out the Parish-Hadley books that were for sale so I returned the favor by inviting him to check out the drawings with me. We spent almost an hour and a half in awe of what we were looking at and pouring over each one. Some are just signed and dated while others denote the client and house or project. Some of those included in the sale include the initial sketch for the Astor Library on yellow ruled paper, rooms for The Duke and Duchess of York, The Paleys and even Carly Simon!

We loved looking at how detailed some of them are even though they are just a sketch. Albert Hadley is amazing! And what's also amazing is that his drawing of the "Office of an Executive Woman" (top) that he created while at Parsons is up for sale! While most are black and white drawings, there are a few beautiful color drawings that will probably be the most expensive items for sale. I'm not of the exact prices but the framed works will probably in the thousands while the unframed loose drawings should be under $1000. I've already put my name on one of them! Happy Birthday to me!

According to Lizzie, "The collaboration came about through Gerald Bland’s wife Mita Corsini Bland whose watercolor renderings will be featured in the forthcoming book Sister Parish Design: On Decorating by Susan Bartlett Crater and Libby Cameron. Due from St. Martin’s Press October 2009, the book includes a forward written by Mr. Hadley. When the authors, artist, and their husbands gathered over dinner this winter Mita asked Mr. Hadley if he still had all his sketches, which he did. Though initially Hadley wondered who would ever want to buy them, he did come around to the idea of offering his trove of drawings. Early feedback suggests that many people in fact are quite eager to own one!" I'd say so! The drawings will be on display to the public at Gerald Bland Antiques beginning on Thursday, April 16, 2009.

1262 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10128
tel. 212.987.8505
fax 212.987.8410
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Thank you!

I want to thank everyone who has been so supportive and encouraging not only this week but since I started my blog! I forgot to thank photographer Eric Cahan in my last post for referring me to Jonathan Ragle who shot the bachelor pad. Eric was one of the first people to leave a comment on my blog in July 2007 and he continues to be a wonderful supporter and advice giver!

I just spent the evening at a design group event among old and new friends and I'm always struck by how supportive everyone is in this industry. Another interior designer was recently laid off and the community has already embraced him. I have no doubt that he will be more than ok because everyone will make sure of it! Well, that and the fact that he ridiculously talented!

I also want to apologize for the short post but HC was out most of the day and then had a few too many glasses of vino. Check back tomorrow for a post about how you can soon buy the drawings created by an interior design legend! Can anyone guess who it might be?

Photo by Eric Cahan, Interior design by Kimberly Ayres
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Dormitorio para Niños

Este diseño de dormitorio esta heho para un niño. Se puede ver que se adecúa a las medidas del ambiente y a las variadas funciones que se pueden usar. También el diseño del dormitorio esta listo para compartir con el hermanito(a) porque la cama esta diseñada para dos.
La combinación de colores convierte el dormitorio en un ambiente cálido y con mucha luz para cuando el niño desea realizar su trabajo o jugar, divertirse. El diseño pertenece a Muebles Camobel, una empresa española.

Enlace: www.camobel.com

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