
The Women Then and Now

The movie The Women from 1939 is a bit of a cult classic in New York. Based on the 1936 play by Clare Boothe Luce, it follows the lives of a group of backstabbing, gossipy, spoiled New York socialites. Many fashion designers have admitted to watching it for inspiration so when I heard they were planning a modern remake, I was curious as to how they were going to do it considering that most of the movie centers on the characters traveling to Reno for divorces, which is no longer necessary in this day and age. But then I just read in Vanity Fair that the women in the new movie would be traveling to a "ashram-style retreat." Perfect! I can't believe it didn't think of that. Below is a photo of the new A-list cast.

The funny thing about the original movie was how modern the women seemed. You see them exercising and taking care of themselves just like today's New York socialites. Pretty funny then that they are remaking a movie that was already ahead of it's time. My suggestion is that you rent the original before you see the remake this fall.
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Intercambio para San Valentín

Hoy estoy contenta. Hace un soleado sábado , ¡ya era hora! , el día está por delante y Leena , que organizó un intercambio de adornos para San Valentín, ya ha recibido los míos .Ella los enviará a otra compañera .
He incluído aquí una pequeña nota porque están hechos con tela , pero toda la información está en Alterado

¡ Buen fin de semana !

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David Jimenez Does It Again!

Kansas City non-professional interior designing wizard, David Jimenez, has been at it again. This time it's at his vacation home in Palm Springs where he has gone wild with color and pattern. He also has an amazing new website where you can check out more photos of his interiors and event designs. It's a good thing he's still working at Hallmark and hasn't decided to go professional because if he had, he'd surely give a lot of interior designers a run for their money! Enjoy!

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Chic Pencil Cups

I came across the photo of Peter Som in his office above and thought it was very clever that he had used old Diptyque candle jars to hold his colored pencils. Then I saw he photo of Alexander Wang's New York apartment in the February issue of Domino and on his desk was an old Diptyque candle jar holding pens and scissors. Do all fashion designers think alike? Regardless, it's a fun way to reuse something that would otherwise be thrown away. Just clean out the old wax first so you don't ruin your pencils by freezing the jar or soaking it in hot water. Then enjoy your chic new pencil cup!

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Apartment and Photos by François Halard

Anyone who reads my blog knows that I love the photography of François Halard so I was very excited when I opened my February 2008 issue of Vogue to find the most amazing article about his home in Arles, France and his loft in New York, with photography of course by Monsieur Halard. I've posted a few of his New York apartment photos here and I don't think they will ruin anything for you since there are many more in the magazine.

The loft was designed in a former warehouse by his nephew Bastien Halard who is an architect and it's apparent that creativity runs in the family. The new space was designed to look old with a patina of age and to be an extension of his home in Arles. I love the mix of objects including an African mask on the faux plaster mantel above. You can just imagine François Halard collecting amazing souvenirs on his travels to photograph the most beautiful interiors of the world.

In the dining room, the tabletop is placed on two plaster column planters from the thirties and the wood chandelier is copied from the original in Halard's home in Arles. I also love how he mixes modern photography, not all his own, into every room, including the kitchen below.

The article was a wonderful surprise and so interesting to read. Definitely pick up a copy of the new Vogue and I guarantee that you will be just as in awe as I was!
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While I darn Sewing set. SAL Objetivo 8

Por cuestiones personales, ayer fue imposible cumplir la fecha de publicación de este Sal. Lo siento . Con un día de retraso ya estamos de nuevo aquí para avanzar en el próximo obejtivo...... y es que ¡ ya hemos conseguido terminar el bordado del bolsito!

Espero que hayáis superado con éxito esta etapa que hemos cerrado bordando con un hilo sobre una hebra de la tela. En un par de ocasiones he tenido que deshacer un par de puntos.....¡ ufff, lo que cuesta ! Pero reconozco que me encanta verlo terminado.

No me digáis que no está quedando precioso.......

Ya he estado echando un vistazo al montaje de este bolsito. Aguardaremos a tener el resto bordado para empezar a cortar

Comenzamos ahora el bordado de los accesorios interiores en el resto de la tela .

Ahora deberemos hacer los bordes en Nun´s Stitch con el color Gingersnap con una hebra.
El objetivo siguiente será bordar el Needle Book - cuadrado con pajarito-

Os recomiendo que empecéis en el lado más a la derecha, es decir , cerca del borde de la tela dejando algo de margen. Así viene en el esquema y nos servirá para dejar el resto de los márgenes y dejando espacio alrededor del bolsito bordado.

Como ya viene siendo habitual , tendremos quince días. Por lo tanto , será el próximo 1 de febrero cuando nos volvamos a encontrar.

Para las que no habéis hecho este punto especial en el borde , estad tranquilas, que siguiendo el esquema con sus numeritos la cosa se hace fácil. Ya hablaremos de lo de cortar, que sé que algunas le da más miedo.
Para que veíais cómo queda , podéis ver una muestra en un accesorio que hice de la diseñadora Ellen Chester y del que mostré un paso a paso , con su permiso , hace ya bastante tiempo.

Este es el borde que nos quedará .

Se tratra de Swan Stitcher´s Etui Otro trabajo bordado sobre 1 y que es uno de mis tesoros favoritos.

Ultima hora Jueves 17. Haz una muestra cuadrada en otro lino , del punto Nun´s Stitch y recorta el borde según las indicaciones, así cuando tengas que hacerlo sobre la tela original , ya tendrás más experiencia
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Operación : un hogar más agradable

Hoy os voy a dar una pista del trabajo que estoy haciendo y que tendré terminado la semana que viene.
Ya sabéis de mi afición por recuperar lo que va directamente a la basura. Estamos en un mundo de reciclaje y ese es mi objetivo en este nuevo proyecto, más que nada porque me viene que ni al pelo para colocar los " trastos" que necesito para los collages .
Asi que cuando mi hijo iba camino de dejar una parte de este carrito , para llevarlo al contenedor , me lancé como una posesa corriendo y gritando detrás de él "¡ No ! ¡ Eso no , que me hace falta !
¿ Quién no ha tenido alguna vez uno de estos escuálidos carritos en casa ?

Estos son los primeros pasos.

¿ Cómo quedará ? Ni yo misma lo sé de momento. Alguna idea ya está flotando en el aire.
¿ Y vosotras ? ¿ Alguna novedad después de las fiestas ?
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Love Walking Through Your Front Door

I went onto Nate Berkus' website yesterday to look for photos of his West Village apartment for inspiration for Black gloss trim, his turned out to be blue-black. Anyway, while there I stumbled onto his portfolio for his interior design firm, Nate Berkus Associates, and all I could think was wow! When you think of Nate Berkus, you immediately think of him making over tired and sad spaces for maximum impact on The Oprah Show but what I saw was simple yet elegant, refined yet comfortable and sophisticated but not stuffy.

My litmus test of a great interior designer is if I could see myself moving into their finished design and being completely at home without making any changes and Nate Berkus passed my test. One of the quotes says, love walking through your front door and I would love to walk through the front door of any of his designs.

This photo above is one of my favorites. I wish I knew where all the homes were located but to me, this is the perfect look for a more sophisticated beach house. Not every weekend getaway home needs to be super casual, especially if that's not the way you usually live your life.

This is a detail from the room above and I am in love with those chairs. I wish I could find something similar at the flea market so I could upholster it in a similar fabric.
I think one of the reasons that I'm drawn to Nate's work is that he doesn't seem to use a lot of bright colors or patterns. It's funny that I love looking at fun prints and crazy patterns but in my own home, I like calm and soothing tones. I think it's one of the results of living in a crazy city. When you come home, you want a sanctuary of peace.
Nate may not use a lot of pattern but he does use a lot of great textures and color combinations. There are a lot of colors in the room above but it's still harmonious and soothing.
Great artwork also seems to be a Nate Berkus hallmark. Who knows if he or his clients picked it out, it all seems to flow beautifully into his designs. I love the gallery walls he creates.
The porcelain Nymphenburg rhino on the mantel above looks like the one Nate has on his desk in his New York apartment. I wonder if it's a coincidence or if they borrowed it for the photo shoot.
When you think of beige, you usually think boring but there is nothing boring about the room above. Again, it's the use of textures and tones that keeps it interesting.
The bedroom above and the bathroom below I think are from a private home but they have the look of a fine French hotel like the Ritz in Paris. That bed is to die for and so is the chandelier above the bathtub. Amazing!

And if his great designs and friendship with Oprah weren't reason enough to want to hate Nate, he's also dating the hottest shoe designer around, Brian Atwood. Brian not only designs his own eponymous line but he was also just tapped to turn around Bally, and if anyone can do it, he can. Talk about a designing duo. I look forward to seeing what these two have up their sleeves next!
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Ahoy Matey! There Be Pirates Ahead!

As a jaded New Yorker, my sense of price can sometimes be skewed. I'm constantly surrounded my expensive stores and objects but today I almost fell off my chair when I found out that Red Beard's Revenge Pirate Ship Playhouse available from Posh Tots and seen on Style.com costs $52,000! Yes, I said $52,000!

It is handcrafted and made to order, I'll give them that. And I guess if you are a billionaire and your children already have everything they could ever desire, why not buy them their own pirate ship. It is pretty cool. But the rest of me can't help but think that this thing costs more than most cars! What ever happened to creating a make believe pirate ship with a cardboard box and an old sheet?

It's things like this, in addition to sitting around in front of video games and the computer, that make me worry about the youth of America. What do you think? Is it fabulous or freaky?
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Style and Comfort?

Get in line now ladies, Diane von Furstenberg is set to launch her first line of shoes next month. After her daughter suffered from back problems and was forced to wear ugly orthopedic shoes, DVF made it her mission to create stylish and comfortable shoes.

"I wanted to create power shoes for the woman on-the-go and on her feet," said von Furstenberg. "My shoes are not just pretty accessories; they are functional and serve a purpose. Women on-the-go need power, comfort, and fashion."

The collection will consist of 12 looks of heels and flats and will range in price from $195 to $350. Much less than Christian Louboutin and also more modern. My favorite pair are called the CEO, a leather platform slingback with a chunky heel that I spied in the February issue of Harper's Bazaar. I will definitely be stalking my favorite stores until I find them! Happy Shopping!
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I always look forward to when The Sartorialist goes to Florence to cover the men's collections for his blog and Style.com. I love drooling of the well dressed European men who are almost always much more debonair than their American counterparts. I mean where else can a man wear wear a coat ever his shoulders and not only look hot but also not get made fun of by other men? Only in Italy my friends. Only in Italy. I think I might have to move there!
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What's Mine Could Be Yours!

When I mentioned in my New Year's post that I was going to start selling some of my possessions on eBay, a few people asked if I would let them know because they said they would be interesting in purchasing my "castoffs." I originally thought this would be some sort of conflict of interest since I wouldn't be selling fabulous furniture like Maison21, I'd probably be selling clothes I wore once. But then I decided to sell some of my design books that I know some of you might be interested in acquiring which is when I changed my mind and thought it might not be a bad idea after all. If you are interested in buying David Hicks On Bathrooms or David Hicks On Home Decorations, click on their titles and you will be redirected to eBay. From there you can check out my other items up for sale. Happy Bidding!
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