
Desain Rumah Minimalis Kecil- Kos-kosan dengan 2 lantai

Desain Rumah Minimalis Kecil- Kos-kosan dengan 2 lantai
Desain Rumah Minimalis Kecil- Kos-kosan dengan 2 lantai

picture above is a desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 design that cool, but cool for the model fitted with a model of young people today, making the driver more comfortable, more comfortable bike on the see and of course many women who are interested in you when you're on a desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 the following tutorials on all kinds of house ...:
how to design desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 not to be too extravagant ...?
how to design a tattoo drawing on our bikes ...!
how to make a cheap design that can be a dream ..!
The following is a desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 David Beckham ...!
Treatments at 5 desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 ...!
10 tips and tricks so that we can bike durable and not easily damaged ....!
8 new house models ...!
The following drugs for the virus that can kill the king that there was a virus on your computer ...!

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A shoe and another shoe

These items I spotted this weekend in the Belgian lifestyle magazine Talkies. I could not resist to share them with you!

This 12 cm high-heeled pump from GEOX pays homage to the skyline of New York and is inspired by the Empire State Building.

A bath-tub in mosaic from the Italian design manufacturer SICIS.

Shoe-aholics, you can start dreaming!



images scanned from Talkies Magazine, the November 2009 issue.

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Sencillo bloque y quilt hecho con jelly roll

Para este fin de semana, si estás algo aburrida, te propongo este sencillo bloque y posteriormente quilt hecho a partir de un jelly roll. Hace tiempo que no escribía un tutorial  y esta es una  buena ocasión  para hacerlo con uno de  esos formatos precortados que    ya se han puesto de moda hace tiempo.

En mi caso he utilizado uno de Fig Tree Quilts con el nombre de Patisserie de Moda. Puedes ver su blog aquí.
Me encanta   el diseño de sus telas  y el estilo de  los quilts de Joanna Figueroa.
Para este  bloque me he servido del libro  Jelly Roll Quilts de Pam y Nicky Lintot,  sencillo, clarito y con 17 estupendos quilts descritos paso a paso. Estas dos mujeres inglesas , madre e hija,  después de una amplia experiencia  en patchwork a través de  The Quilt Room , se decidieron por editar   en un libro  los quilts que  ya estaban  haciendo  con sus alumnas. Este es el primero . Aquí puedes leer sus aventuras. Por cierto, el quilt que aparece de fondo en la cabecera del blog , también está en este libro ¡ y ya lo he empezado !

Este modelo figura con el nombre de Garden Trellis y  originalmente está  hecho con telas de Blackbird , pero creo que con  el colorido de  Patisserie quedará también  estupendo.
Primero separa las tiras  en dos  paquetes en   tonos oscuros y tonos claros.
Luego cose una tira oscura con otra clara que te guste.
Así hasta que hagas todas las parejas  y te quedes si tiras.
Yo las he ido poniendo  a prueba primero  y ver si me gustaban antes de coserlas.

Selecciona  dos parejas que queden bien juntas .

Sitúa  una sobre otra de manera que   el color claro quede sobre el oscuro y el oscuro sobre el claro.
Plancha para que queden bien juntitas.

Cose ambos  extremos. Así te quedará una especie de tubo

Sobre lo que has cosido , coloca una regla Omnigrid 98L,  que tiene forma triangular. Deberás posicionar  la medida de  3 1/2 en la mitad donde las tiras estén cosidas 

y   el pespunte cosido de abajo donde marca la regla 7 1/2  . Si no la tienes   también te sirve una cuadrada .

Corta el primer triángulo, te quedará cosido un  poquito arriba y  pespunte  en toda la parte inferior.

Ahora dale la vuelta a la regla y corta otro triángulo. Así hasta tener 8 triángulos. Te sobrarán los extremos . No los he tirado con el fin de usarlo en otro quilt. 

Deshaz  el pequeño pespunte que quedó arriba en todos los triángulos....

.... y ábrelo. Tendrás un cuadrado formado por  tiras longitudinales cosidas..... y alternadas una clara ,una oscura.

Ahora deberás formar un bloque hecho de cuatro de  los bloques anteriores  colocados de la siguiente manera : un triángulo  en la izquierda de arriba  y uno claro a la derecha arriba . De modo que  los tonos claros y oscuros quedarán opuestos. Fíjate en este bloque . La tira   roja de lunares ( color oscuro ) tiene al lado una  clarita con flores ( color clara )  . De igual manera se hace con los bloques de abajo. 

Una vez que tengas cosidos los cuatro bloques en uno,  coserás estos grandes bloques uno a otro, quedando  4  horizontal y 5 vertical.                                                                           

Esta es " mi pared "  con el montaje. He ido moviendo los grandes bloques según me ha parecido mejor la combinación  de telas.

Ahora sólo me quedará  coserlo todo , poner un borde, acolchar y terminar con un biés a juego.

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A Single Man

Everyone scoffed when Tom Ford announced that he was going to make movies after he left fashion but now that his new film, A Single Man, is garnering Oscar buzz, the critics are sitting up and taking notice. I've already taken notice of the chic 1960's interiors and think the design world may have a new favorite source of inspiration. It's clear that Ford is one of those creative types whose talent and vision translates into perfection no matter what the medium. The film is based on the Christopher Isherwood's 1964 novel of the same name stars Colin Firth and Julianne Moore and opens on December 10th. Bon Weekend!

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Desain Rumah Minimalis- 2 lantai

Desain Rumah Minimalis- 2 lantai
Desain Rumah Minimalis- 2 lantai

picture above is a desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 design that cool, but cool for the model fitted with a model of young people today, making the driver more comfortable, more comfortable bike on the see and of course many women who are interested in you when you're on a desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 the following tutorials on all kinds of house ...:
how to design desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 not to be too extravagant ...?
how to design a tattoo drawing on our bikes ...!
how to make a cheap design that can be a dream ..!
The following is a desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 David Beckham ...!
Treatments at 5 desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 ...!
10 tips and tricks so that we can bike durable and not easily damaged ....!
8 new house models ...!
The following drugs for the virus that can kill the king that there was a virus on your computer ...!

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Esta preciosa sala comedor totalmente decorada por Karim Chaman, cuenta con un amplio comedor donde podrían entrar hasta 10 personas. Los elementos decorativos bastante lineales se une con el diseño de la alfombra:

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I won a give away

I am so thrilled to let you know that I won my first giveaway! It was a giveaway from Monika from the Splendid Willow blog.
I won this beautiful Nate Berkus' Hope Pillow! Evoking a message of hope, this pillow emphasizes that your home is your haven.

Thank you so much Monika! I can't wait to receive it!

Monika is an interior designer and a native from Sweden, so she always brings a sense of Swedish to everything she does.
She tells us to be a design junkie.
Her blog is really beautiful with a lot of gorgeous images.
For those who do not know Monika yet, please go to visit her at the Splendid Willow blog.

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Designer Visions: John Saladino and The Girl with a Pearl Earring

The final townhouse in the Designer Visions series was designed by John Saladino for Veranda and was inspired by Girl with a Pearl Earring. Apparently Mr. Saladino does not normally participate in showhouses so this was quite a coup.

Girl with a Pearl Earring is set in 17th-century Netherlands and this showhouse has more literal translations of the theme than the others.

Girl with a Pearl Earring was a painting by Vermeer and this table reflects that the fictional owner of the townhouse also has an artistic bent.

Mr. Saladino used a lot of his own furniture in the townhouse as well as a lot of natural wood elements.

The wall treatment is Mr. Saladino's signature "scratch coat" plaster which gives this newly constructed townhouse an older patina. My absolute favorite element in the house is the antique engineered oak flooring by Exquisite Surfaces. Dark floors have been very popular but they show every speck of dust and dirt so these lighter floors are a much better option and would be amazing in a beach house!

You could easily replicate the hanging plates as artwork idea in your own home.

While there is color in this townhouse it's grounded in every room by neutrals.

Since dining rooms tend to be the least used room in the house, I liked that Mr. Saladino included a sofa so that you could also use this room to read or relax.

The wooden shoes in the entry foyer definitely reflect the Dutch inspiration for this space.

These chair look like they came straight out of a Vermeer painting. Mr. Saladino also created his own artwork above them.

It says, "For me, that which is divine, rests in the persuit (sic) of beauty." - John F. Saladino

Now that you've seen all three townhouses, you can compare how each dealt with some of the modern design elements like those in the bathroom. I love the paintings in this one.

All of the designers created wonderfully decorated areas on the long wall that runs the length of the first floor.

John Saladino created what a large piece of art with an inset of his "scratch coat" plaster on the stair landing.

I loved that all the designers thought about what you would see when you descended the stairs.

On the second floor landing, this antique mirror and bench sit on the right side.

On the main wall, Mr. Saladino used a rug to hide the door to the laundry room. I'm not sure how I feel about rugs on the wall but you could hang draperies to hide the doors that are on each of the walls in this area.

Because the laundry room is in this area, a dresser was placed here for convenience.

The bathroom on the second floor looks very zen.

All the windows in the master bedroom were covered with shutters tat relate back to the shutters used as screens downstairs.

The bedroom was very simple but also very elegant. I loved the delft pieces on the dressing table below. I think the Designer Visions Showhouses are an excellent source of ideas since you get to see how three very different designers treated the exact same layout. Hope you enjoyed the tour!

Photos by Heather Clawson for Habitually Chic
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