
New Elle Decor

Thanks to Turquoise Chic for posting the photos of Monique Lhuillier's home from the new January/February 2008 issue of Elle Decor. I'm very jealous that her issue arrived today and it just serves to confirm my theory that my mail carrier has been hijacking my favorite magazines. See why I end up buying them on the newsstand! So until he decides to finally deliver it, I shall keep checking out Turquoise Chic's blog.
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While I darn Sewing set. SAL Objetivo 6

¿ Qué tal lleváis el Sal ? ¿ Bien ? Algunas compañeras se ha unido al sal y las animamos desde aquí para que vayan si prisa , pero sin pausa .
Ya nos queda solamente la última parte de la parte exterior. Para hoy teníamos que bordar una escena infantil.
Hace bastante tiempo que puse en Blog it Express el aviso de la errata en el color del vestido de la niña. Supongo que lo habéis visto. No lo he quitado hasta que no llegásemos a esta parte.

El próximo objetivo 6 será hacer el corazón con las iniciales y el año, bordados sobre uno y Darning Section con un doble backstitch con una hebra con los colores African Sunset para el lado horizontal y Monsoon para el vertical.

Como en el siguiente objetivo estaremos de celebraciones , he pensado retrasar dos días más este objetivo. Por lo tanto será el 3 de eneroe y no el Dia de Año Nuevo. Ese día estaremos con un sueño..... y ganas de estar tranquilas y no hacer nada, supongo . ¿ Os parece bien la idea ?
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Elle Decor Cover News

Word on the street is that the home of fashion designer Monique Lhuillier will grace the cover of the January/February 2008 issue of Elle Decor. Ever the multi-tasker, Ms. Lhuillier was perusing vintage wallpapers and interior design books while planning her new home that would make room for her first baby, all while continuing to create beautiful fashions, a china collection for Royal Doulton and a future home furnishings line. I for one can't wait to see inside the home of the woman behind some of the most beautiful dresses in the world!
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Peter Som for Bill Blass

Even though fashion week isn't until February, the designers were presenting their Pre-Fall collections this week in New York. Now, I consider myself to be pretty fashion savvy but even I didn't know about Pre-Fall until recently. These are the clothes that will arrive in the stores at the same time that you are just getting out your summer clothes and starting to sweat. It used to be just a low key affair for buyers and editors but now it's becoming the bellwether for what we will expect to see on the big Fall runways.

One of the best albeit small collections was designed by Peter Som for the house of Bill Blass. I used to think of Bill Blass as "old lady" clothes but not any more. In his inaugural collection, Peter Som continued Mr. Blass' sportswear inspired looks but invigorated them with a more youthful exuberance. Something that had been seriously lacking in recent years.

"My starting point was Mr. Blass' sketchbooks circa 1969-1970. I wanted to update Blass classics with luxury and whimsy," explained Mr. Som. I always loved the simplicity and elegance of some seventies fashions and these are a perfect homage. I wish I could afford to buy the whole collection but I may have to at least save up to buy that plaid coat! It's tres chic!

Photos by Kevin Sturman
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Estas camas en el piso son fuera de lo común. Si te sientes cómoda y te gusta ver otras formas de ubicar la cama puedes tomar esta alternativa y decorar como te gusta. ëstas imágenes te pueden dar algunas ideas de como hacer la decoración.

Imagenes de camas en el piso: Imageshack.us
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Estos modelos de salas para todos los gustos. Algunas exoticas, otras romanticas, modernas, clásicas. etc.

Imagenes sacadas de: Imageshack.us
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Dormitorios Juveniles
Todo los diseños y elegancia de dormitorios para los jovenes. Dormitorios Juveniles y por supuesto en estilo muy moderno, el estilo perfecto para los jovenes.

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Este dormitorio modeno con muebles de colores oscuros nos da la sensacion de romanticismo. A todo esto ayuda las parecer pintadas de colro morado.

Fotos de dormitorios modernos: Muebles.biboz.net
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Si te gusta que tu dormitorio tenga un estilo clásico esta foto te puede ayudar mucho a decorar.

Imagenes de dormitorio clasico: Muebles.biboz.net
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Dormitorio Juvenil
Dormitorio juvenil multifuncional. El acabado en abedul con detalles mar y cielo. Compuesto por armarios y puertas corrderas. Cama con cuatro contenedores que sirve para guardar cosas. Al costado una mesa de estudio.

Imagenes de dormitorio juvenil: Muebles.biboz.net
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Dos sorpresas en el correo con espíritu navideño

Ayer recogí dos avisos en correos. Uno estaba claro, era el intercambio que por primera vez había hecho con algo de mis collages. Realmente ha sido emocionante ,sobre todo porque ha sido en una web que está muy considerada y en la que la mayoría de los que hacen work art, tanto como profesionales que exponen y venden, como aficionados tienen lugar.
Ya podéis ver aquí todos los trabajos del intercambio. El mio el segundo.
Espero tener esta tarde esa " sorpresa " que me ha llegado en Alterado

La otra cuestión llegó de Italia , de la mano de Simona de Mani di dona . Y es que ella me ha ofertado la primera publicación, creo de Un Natale di Ricamo

Esta publicación de 72 pag. reune 16 diseños navideños exclusivos de varias diseñadoras italianas y americanas. Hay una presentación de cada una de ellas para conocerlas algo mejor, recetas para acompañar las comidas de Navidad, fotos, esquemas y explicaciones para terminar los accesorios, alguno de los cuales puedes ver en la portada.

La verdad es que se nota que han hecho un esfuerzo y además une , de alguna forma , a una serie de bordadoras que tienen pasión por el bordado, y eso siempre es importante. ¡ La unión hace la fuerza!

Además servirá como donación al hostital Niño Jesus de Roma .¿ Qué más se puede pedir ?
Un aplauso por mi parte por esta idea.

Y a Simona un millón de gracias por este regalo que me hará entretenerme " un poquito más " de lo que ya estoy . Prometo enseñaros algo terminado de alguno de sus esquemas.
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A Few of My Favorite Things: Winter Edition

There was such a great response to my Favorite Things post from the Fall that I would create a new one for Winter. It also seems like perfect timing considering the ice storms in the Midwest and the snow we are supposed to receive tomorrow in New York. I thought it could also serve as a mini gift guide since I never had the time to write a full one. Maybe some of my favorite things will become some of yours!

I tried for a long time to not jump on the Creme de la Mer bandwagon but I guarantee once you've tried it, you will become I convert too! It really is the most fabulous skin cream ever created. I've always had great skin but now I have gorgeous skin! I'm going to buy the eye cream next. Wrinkles be damned!

If there is one product that is pure indulgence, it's Laura Mercier's line of bath and body products. I love using the ladies lounge on the beauty floor of Bergdorf's because they stock it with all of her products. The Creme Brulee scent is my all time favorite. It's almost good enough to eat! I will warn you that I didn't love the Chocolate scent so much. Funny considering how much I love to eat it. There are also some great gift sets available now if you want to indulge someone else this holiday!

There is nothing worse than dry flaky skin in the winter but moisturizing it alone is not the answer. You must exfoliate and Kiehl's has one that will appeal to men and woman. Their Creme de Corps Soy Milk and Honey Body Polish smells amazing but it also leaves your skin silky smooth. Kiehl's never tests on animals so your PETA friends will love it too!

After you exfoliate, you should always moisturize and Kiehl's Creme de Corps is the Rolls Royce of body cremes. I love it so much, I buy the large pump size but it's worth it since I have never had dry skin. Treat yourself. You're worth it!

I hate winter. There I said it. I feel like I'm allowed to hate it since I lived in Boston for many years. I'm honestly not quite sure how I survived. I might have enjoyed it more had I known about Hot Chillys. In order to wear my cute little outfits and walk around without getting hypothermia, I will add a base layer from their Peppers Collection. But they make products for all levels of warmth and performance. It's perfect for fashionistas and hard-core athletes. Now there's two types of people you'd ever suspect of having anything in common. Who knew?!

I don't care if you're a size 2 or a 12, everyone wants to look thinner. There is also nothing worse than saggy tights. Spanx has solved both of these problems. Gotta love that! They stay put, they create a smooth line and keep you warm. And we know how much I hate to be cold! Buying Spanx also let's you support a woman owned business. Beth Blake's success story should be an inspiration to any woman with a dream. Carpe Diem!

Anyone who's ever lived in a New York apartment with steam heat knows how toasty warm they can get but I'm not complaining. There is nothing I love more than free heat! But for those rare occassions when the heat's not on, I wear my Banana Republic Cashmere Chalet Slippers. They are soft and warm and actually quite chic. They are also on sale now! Woo hoo! Buy a pair for yourself and as a gift. Your feet will thank you!

If none of those other things are enough to warm you up, why not check out Town and Country Travel Magazine and pick out a tropical destination and book yourself a trip, 'cause baby it's cold outside!
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Exposición 2008 Grupo Venus

Una vez más Pilar nos invita a la exposición en la que participará el próximo fin de semana en Getafe.
Ha convocado también una Kedada para las que queráis y podáis asistir el sábado. Seguramente ya lo habréis visto en su blog.
PInchando en el enlace veréis el programa.
Tres son las artesanas que exponen sus trabajos.He tenido ocasión de ver sus trabajos en otras ocasiones y merece la pena. Animaros . Es una buena forma de favorecer esas manos creativas.

xx Pincha aqui

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Another One Bites the Dust

Bye Bye Blueprint. According to a memo sent yesterday from Susan Lyne at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Blueprint is folding. First House and Garden and now Blueprint. Am I going to have to start my own shelter magazine just so we have something to read?! Jeez. Good thing the UK and Australia continue to publish fabulous magazines, otherwise, my local newsstand might have to go out of business soon.

From: Communications Sent: Monday, December 10, 2007 10:51 AM
To: MSO Subject: Memo from Susan Lyne

After much discussion and analysis we have made a decision to produce Blueprint as focused special interest issues within the home category, which we will introduce to brides-to-be through our Martha Stewart Weddings magazine. Bluelines, the Blueprint blog, will continue and we plan to grow Blueprint digital content across our websites. We will discontinue publishing Blueprint magazine on a stand-alone basis after the January/February 2008 issue.

Our strategic plans also call for continuing to build our overall Martha Stewart Weddings business by adding destination weddings issues and further developing our weddings website.

We believe Blueprint will be more sustainable if leveraged as part of the established Martha Stewart Weddings franchise. Both appeal to women at a similar life stage and we believe this strategy will allow us to better take advantage of the synergistic relationship between the two publications. By publishing Blueprint in a special interest format, we can provide newlyweds with useful ideas and inspiration for their homes; and advertisers with a targeted platform to reach this highly desirable consumer.

The moves enable us to redirect a portion of our investment dollars into other high-potential digital media initiatives, further develop our Martha Stewart Weddings franchise and create efficiencies in our Publishing business. There will be a reduction in staff associated with not publishing Blueprint as a full-frequency magazine, but we expect to re-assign a core team of employees to existing businesses and new projects at MSLO.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Sarah, Deb, and Amy, and the entire Blueprint team for the talent, passion, and devotion they brought to this start-up. We love what they created and we'll miss reading Blueprint in print on a regular basis. But we believe these changes will position the company well in this evolving marketplace. We look forward to working with Sarah, Deb, Amy, and other members of the Blueprint team on the new special interest issues and other company endeavors.


And what are us single gals supposed to read??? I'm not buying Martha Stewart Living Weddings for design advice, thank you very much! If Elle Decor or Domino ever fold, I'm gonna cry!
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Bonjour Paree!

How come I never found an internship that sent me to Paris?! Good thing I can live vicariously through Lauren and Whitney! I can't wait until these shows air in the spring! Until then, I guess I will have to make due with Gossip Girl.

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Evergreen en proceso

A puntito está éste bordado de ser terminado. Unas cosillas aquí y allá ¡¡ y se acabó !!

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Christmas at Biltmore

There are certain places that stay with you long after you visit them. Biltmore House in Ashville, North Carolina is one of those places for me. I visited it when I was about 11 years old and it has made a lasting impression. I even wrote a paper about it in college for my architectural art history class. My visit was in the summer but I dream of visiting Biltmore House again someday at Christmas when the house is filled with spectacular decorations.

It takes a staff of 1,800 a full month to light and decorate over 100 Christmas trees, hang 9,000 feet of fresh garland and hang thousands of ornaments for the more than 300,000 visitors that visit during the holiday season. And you thought decorating your house was a challenge!

Even though, outside decorations were rare at the turn of the 19th century, the lions are now decorated for the holidays with fresh wreaths.

A 35-foot live Fraser fir is placed in the Banquet Hall of Biltmore House every holiday season and takes 45 people to raise the tree since they must be careful not to damage the priceless tapestries or chandeliers. The tradition of having a tree in this room goes back to 1895 when George Vanderbilt first opened the home to his family and friends.

When George Vanderbilt first welcomed guests to Biltmore House on Christmas Eve in 1895 his guests were treated to lavish and festive holiday decor. Today that tradition is kept alive each year and it is the only time when visitors are allowed in the house at night.

During Christmas at Biltmore tall trees line the 90-foot-long halls of the Tapestry Gallery As guests enter the Library a warm glow from the room's large fireplace is cast upon the bookshelves and the Pellegrini ceiling canvas.

The Library is particularly inviting during Candlelight Christmas Evenings with a fire in the massive fireplace throwing dancing shadows across more than 10,000 books.

The Grand Staircase is twined with live evergreen, filling the 250-room Biltmore House with the scent of Christmas.

The black marble fireplace surround and walnut overmantle in George Vanderbilt's impressive library are decorated with garlands made by the Biltmore floral staff during the holiday season.

During Candlelight Christmas Evenings, the Oak Sitting Room glows in the light from candles and matching fireplaces at either end of the room.

During Candlelight Christmas Evenings, Biltmore House is lit by luminaries outside creating an even more beautiful tableaux. I hope those who can visit Biltmore House will make the pilgrimage no matter the time of the year and for those who can't, I hope you are inspired to create a magical Christmas at your own home. Happy Holidays!
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