

Informacion e imagenes de bañeras: Divapor.com

Buscando nuevas y modernas bañeras, encontré esta novedosa bañera, la cual quiero compartir con ustedes.
Pues a quien no le gusta relajarse con un baño caliente y a la vez disfrutar de un buen entretenimeinto y nada mejor que una LCD incluida en la bañera. Es una maravilla tener en casa esta novedosa y moderna bañera con alta tecnología.
El nombre es “Vapor Di Cosmo” se trata de una esplendida bañera con una pantalla LCD táctil de 17 pulgadas. Simplemente una propuesta muy innovadora.
Después de un día estresante de trabajo, llegar a casa y disfrutar de esta bañera con un baño caliente y tu película preferida; hara que te renueves y desestreses.
Y si no te apetece mirar ni películas ni tus programas preferidos mientras estas en la tina, puedes optar por poner tu estación de radio predilecta cerrar los ojos y disfrutar de las burbujas.
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Que novedoso estilo de cama circular, verdad?. Para aquellas personas que desean disfrutar de la decoración moderna, esta cama circular es el accesorio perfecto para resaltar la apariencia de cualquier recámara.
El principal atractivo de esta novedosa cama circular, es su estructura circular, la cual logra una sensación de estar en una nube flotando, muy buena opción para aquellos que gozan deleitarse de un buen descanso.
Este extravagante diseño muestra un tamaño más grande que una cama ordinaria, es ideal para relajarse. Para aquellos que no la prefieran como mecedora, y que solo estén interesados en su particular forma, ofrece dos cuñas para poder adaptarla al grado deseado.

Más información: Private-cloud Redecorando
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¡ Quilt Rojos , cintas y puntillas terminado !


Se puede decir que " el que la sigue la consigue " ,pues eso y una gran alegría cuando he visto la colcha colgada , es lo que he pensado.
Realmente cuan

Quilt  Rojos, cintas y puntillas

Otra vista desde el otro lado....

Quilt Rojos, cintas y puntillas / Detalle

Los detalles.......

Quilt Rojos, cintas y puntillas / Detalle

Como no me convencía ninguna de las telas que tenía para el borde, me acerqué a Dechado y ¡ qué casulidad ! le quedaba un resto de medio metro de lino en cuadritos rojos y grises , justo como el que empleé en gris y beige en el quilt.
Coser el lino como tela de borde es bastante latoso porque la presilla de la máquina va escurriendo la tela , asi que como no me va mucho lo de hilvanar ( soy más bien de coser diréctamente o con ayuda de alfileres ) tuve que colocar una " ristra " de alfileres uno seguido de otro, a un cm más o menos para la cosa fuera bien.

Quilt Rojos, cintas y puntillas / Detalle

Esta vez intenté hacer otro tipo de esquina que ya había visto en este tipo de quilt.

.......Y tan feliz estaba que haciendo un poco de loca ...... me vestí con él . A ver si sabes qué cara tengo , aunque no se me vea.

Ahí van los datos técnicos:

Medida-115 cm x 133cm
Telas _ Batista bordada de la tienda de retales de la ciudad, Lino en cuadritos( rojos y grises / beige y grises ) Fats de Bouts de Tissus, Tela estampada en letras rojas de Yuwa.
Puntillas de algodón fino, picunela granate, cintas francesas en blanco y rojo
Piezas antiguas de ganchillo ( crochet )
Guata acrílica

Recuerda que si quieres saber qué patrón he utilizado y cuál es la composición de cada bloque, echa un vistazo en éste artículo anterior.

....Y ahora encogiendo mis deditos , me doy unos besitos a cada una de mis mejillitas ¡¡¡¡PORQUE YO LO VALGO !!!!

Espero que la que se anime a hacer algo de este estilo , con su toque personal y telas al gusto , nos lo cuente y se anime a empezarlo ....¡¡¡¡ A por ello !!!

NOTA: Si quieres ver mejor los detalles y más grandes, pincha en mi album de flickr ( a la derecha en el índice ), sobre la foto del mosaico y allí elige la opción ver todos los tamaños .
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End of Summer Lovin'

Unlike most Americans, I will be laboring over the long Labor Day holiday weekend. I have a lot of irons in the fire so I need do some work and get myself organized. I'm a little bummed but I knew that forgoing vacations this summer might be necessary and if all goes well, I will be able to take some fabulous ones next year! What's funny is that it feels like just yesterday that I posted some photos from the first Hamptons Cottages and Gardens magazine of the season and now summer is almost over! Times flies! So as a last hurrah, I'm posted photos from Hamptons Havens: The Best of Hamptons Cottages and Gardens published in 2005. The book contains a great mix of traditional and modern homes to die for as usual. Hope you enjoy your holiday weekend whatever you are doing...or not doing!

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Inside Out

Even though so many New York based national shelter magazines are folding, it seems that there are amazing regional ones that are thriving. One of my new favorites is Florida Inside Out. I was flipping through the old January/February 2008 issue and came across so many beautiful images that I had to share. I especially loved the article about what Miami antiques dealers collect. Enjoy!

The top image and this one above are from Kaisa and Doug Levine's historic 1929 Miami Beach home. The coffee table and console are from Williams Sonoma home. The art is by Karel Appel.

A 1970's pottery lamp and studio pottery sit atop a George Nelson wooden cabinet in Miami Antiques deal Carlos Casteller's home. His shop in Miami is called Art and Antiques but doesn't seem to have a website yet.

I love this juxtaposition of objects in Miami shop owner Michael Contessa. The 1970's sofa is by Milo Baughman and the Raindrop wall sculpture is by Curtis Jere. I think I might have to plan a trip to Miami just to check out his antiques!

A collection of German and French drawings from the 1920's to 50's hangs above a rare Dominique France chair from circa 1928 in the Miami home of Antiques dealer Regina Nuessle.

In the Miami home of Chicago based owners Marlene and David Green, a black wall displays a pair of stylized mirrors with gold leaf frames from Details at Home while the bed below was custom designed by Martial.

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Fashionable Home

I really never thought about what the home of Carine Roitfeld would like but now that I think about it, I don't know if I would have pictured it being this clean and modern. Carine is the uber sexy Editor and Chief of French Vogue who always wears extraordinary heels and whose hair always seems to be falling in her face. Her home is featured in New Paris Interiors from Taschen and on Fashion Week Daily. I do love the French mouldings and classical details but I'm not sure what that big piece of furniture is doing in the middle of the hallway in the last photo. If anyone has a guess, please let me know.

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Something Old, Something New

The Bachelor Pad was also my inspiration for my third story for Kansas City Home Design magazine. If you want the inside scoop on all the fabulous stores I've shopped in search of the perfect furniture and accessories to complete my design, take a peak online at the July/August 2008 issue. Thanks again to everyone in KC for their warm hospitality and friendship!

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Quilt Rojos , cintas y puntillas wip

Ya están todos los bloques montados. Los he ido colocando sobre una tela que tiene cierta adherencia y que es especial para tener una visión general del quilt que se está preparando. Como cada bloque tiene cierto peso, he tenido que sujetarlo con alfileres pero si se colocan las telas sin coser , se quedan " pegadas solitas" . Es la primera vez que lo que utilizado y fue un regalo de cumple de Silvia. Ahora me ha venido genial. Ah! la he colocado sobre el armario empotrado y ha resultado una medida estupenda.

Tuve algún problema de combinación porque ,según el esquema , algunos bloques debían estar rotados y algunas de las telas que he uitlizado tenían su " derecho " .....y la verdad , colocar la que tiene corazones, con los corazones para abajo y la de letras tan bonita con las letras también hacia abajo ....... no me gustaba nada.
Simplemente cambié de sitio alguno de los bloques para su mejor distribución y visión del conjunto.

Quilt Rojos , cintas y puntillas

¿ Qué os parece ? Si queréis ver la foto más grande , pincha en el album de flickr, que está en el índice de la derecha y allí aumenta su tamaño.
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The Bachelor Pad Design Progression

There has a bit more progress at The Bachelor Pad recently! Woo hoo! The bedroom rug was laid by some very lovely men from The Padded Wagon Friday. My friend thought that perhaps we could do it ourselves with maybe a little help from her boyfriend but I'm so glad I paid professionals to do it! They actually moved the bed completely out of the way and did a much better job than we ever would have in a much shorter amount of time...and without hurting themselves! It looks so beautiful too! The bachelor says the bedroom is his favorite part of the project so far and it does look pretty good, if I do say so myself. The chairs by the window make it more of a space where you might want sit in and read than just a room with a bed where you sleep. The whole place is becoming much for comfortable and inviting...and a bit grown up! Which was the whole point of the redesign in the first place!

My favorite area so far is the entry. It's such a change from the previous ginormous bookcase of clutter that previously lived in the space, see below! I hung the new mirror and the great art I bought at Christopher Filley Antiques in Kansas City on Friday as well. First, remind me never to attempt to lift and hang a mirror that weighs more than I do above my head. I hung it too low at first and had to move it and thought I was going to break my arm! This is what happens when you are trying to save money and do everything yourself. I told you that interior design wasn't as glamorous as you thought! Especially, when you are on your hands and knees with a tiny little paint brush touching up the baseboards! But that's a story for another day! I'm still looking for some little benches or maybe a trunk for underneath the console to hide the outlet but for now it's fine without them.

I also really love the artwork and am so happy that I was finally able to hang it! There are seven framed images from a book of the sculptures of Versailles and two beautiful etchings that have the most gorgeous blue French mats I have ever seen. I especially love how the blue pops against the brown walls. I'm hoping to bring in a bit more blue to the living/office/dining side of the room and plan to hang the framed maps of Cape Cod on the dining wall.

The bachelor also let me buy a console for the television wall and a new desk chair so we are definitely on a roll. I am also about to call Housing Works to take the last of the old furniture away...unless someone would like some blue ladder back chairs with rush seats. They are actually nice but not the right style for this new grown up sophisticated apartment. Now if the bachelor would just grow up, we'd be all set!

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Left Bank

Charlotte Moss has a new luxury home fragrance for Agraria entitled Left Bank. According to her site, it "embodies the mystery, romance, and sophistication of the city’s Left Bank. Introduced with fresh top notes of crisp lemongrass and crushed pink peppercorn blossoms, the mid notes of frankincense and patchouli surround you as cashmere wood warms the background."The candle comes in a pretty glass jar with cute little pagoda inspired lid. I may have to stop by the Townhouse for a whiff. À tout à l'heure!
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Home Sweet Home!

I was googling images on line last week and stumbled upon the most interesting photos of the first home of M. Bibelot and her husband on her Flickr site. From what I could gather, it's somewhere near San Francisco since they can see part of the Golden Gate Bridge and was built in 1952. It was also furnished with some fabulous mid-century sale finds from DWR. But it's not only what they have but how they put it together. I think it also helps that they take good photos! I've only posted a few of the "after" photos but there are a bunch of great "before" photos so you can see the progression. I also love how it looks like they move things around often and really love their new place. Home sweet home indeed!

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