

Estos hermosos y modernos dormitorios infantiles, son los diseños exclusivos de la arquitecta y decoradora Karim Chaman. Los dormitorios especialmente diseñado para niñas, con aplicación en colores claros que transmiten alegría y tranquilidad dentro del ambiente. Asimismo los diseños de estos dormitorios infantiles se caracteriza por la forma de iluminar cada ambiente.
Fotos de dormtirios infantiles en: karimchaman.com
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Interior Magazines

I've noticed in a lot of blogs the names of well-known interior magazines, mostly American magazines, such as Veranda, House Beautiful, The World of Interiors, Architectural Digest...

We advertise in a few belgian interior magazines such as "Wonen, Landelijke Stijl".

It's a beautiful magazine but unfortunately edited in Dutch only.

So most of the advertisers are from Belgium and the Netherlands.

This is the cover of the last issue of the magazine.

This is our advertising page in this issue.

The picture on the advertising is the library in our home.

I'll show you a few photos more from the library.

Do you like it?

Have a beautiful weekend,


Pictures : 1 - 2 : scanned from Wonen, Landelijke Stijl

Following : bij Lefèvre Interiors

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Descubriendo el Valle del Loira

Como algunas adivinasteis, este verano nos decantamos por visitar una parte del Valle del Loira, en Francia. Hacía tiempo que quería visitar sus afamados castillos y esos jardines de ensueño que ya había visto en imágenes ......... Han sido menos de los que pensábamos ver ( los niños van teniendo otras inquietudes y no es tan fácil " arrastrarlos " a lo que papá y mamá quieren ver ) ......hemos disfrutado y descubierto otras formas de compartir el tiempo con nuestros hijos. Es difícil llegar a todo cuando uno va a un sitio nuevo. Todo  lo quieres ver...... y aunque lleves una idea , las cosas cambian cuando ya estás en el destino y  entiendes que lo importante es  vivir el momento  sea allá donde sea, bien admirando  uno de los Más Bellos Pueblos de Francia, recorriendo uno de sus majestuosos castillos o comiendo un bocadillo de sardinas  en un fresco y verde bosque junto a los que siempre están contigo, tu familia.
De momento  os dejo  este pequeño artículo.  Ya os contaré más , lo que  bordé, compré o descubrí.

Sirva de ejemplo una muestra de lo que nuestros ojos vieron...... que no siempre fueron castillos

Gracias por tu visita . Espero  que te hayan gustado estas imágenes que he compartido contigo y que ,de alguna manera , te haya servido de " viaje " a esta parte de Francia.
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This is the first page of my brand new blog! Finally...

I have to give away that I am pretty excited starting up this blog.

I would like to thank my 13-years old son for assisting me doing this (for me not so easy) job.

Please, I'll ask you my apologies for my incorrect writing English sometimes...

I promise to do the best I can to express me in English ( my native language is Dutch).

Because of my summer holidays break, I would like to write you about the things that keep me busy for this days.

My family and I do not go abroad this summer, right now we are enjoying our house and the beautiful region we're living in!

So in the mean time, I like to invite friends and family for a drink or a meal.
That envolves a good table decoration, don't you think?

So I would love to share with you some pictures of my table decoration...

Did you notice the grape vine-leaf decoration?

Well, I'm proud to say that we have our own grape-vine in our garden.
After a few years in a small basin, we planted him 2 years ago against the wall of our oranjerie, and look at him now! Gorgeous, isn't it?!

There are a lot of bunches of grapes. So I hope that we can eat them within 2 months. I will tell you!

Second thing I love to do in summer holidays is to go to a summer party!

A few weeks ago, we went to a party at my sisters and had a wonderful day.
Again, I share with you some pictures! Enjoy!

As we moved into our new home 2 years ago, we want to start the garden landscaping for now.

My husband started this holiday to built an oak construction, so that we can barbecueing even if the weather is not that good. Belgian weather is not that famous, you know!

So this are the things that keep me and my family busy for the last few weeks
Hope you enjoyed ,


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Hampton Designer Showhouse: Great Room by KA Design Group

The Great Room designed by KA Design Group at the Hampton Designer Showhouse was also one of my favorite rooms. I think mostly because the design is what I wish we could have done to the Hamptons house I worked on last summer. It's full of really great textures and colors that act as a wonderful backdrop to the drop dead gorgeous art! According to the designers Kenneth Alpert and Andrew Petronio, they designed the Great Room in a style that is the "softer side of modern."

I really love the center table in the room that seems to anchor the room and can be used for meals or games as well as display.

The color scheme is chocolate brown and white with pops of pink. The walls are a beautiful Venetian plaster that reflects the light while the chocolate brown upholstery on the chaise chairs has a great nap that absorbs light. The pink curtains are a hot pink taffeta that help set the stage for the "eclectic blend of modern antique furniture."

Here a small Julian Opie sculpture perches a top a marble topped side table.

My absolute favorite aspect of the room are the three large Bing Wright photographs that extend the room like windows. The wicker furniture also reminds you that you are near the beach.

The designers were able to borrow an amazing collection of art from Salon 94 including two Marilyn Minter photographs, one of which is seen in this vignette.

You can see an example of another natural and traditional material used in a novel way in this room. The grass cloth was cut into squares to cover the cover ceiling and is juxtaposed with a very modern light fixture.

This room is probably not what people would immediately think of for a beach house but it illustrates that there are different styles for different people. I like to think of this room as what an art collector who lives in Manhattan might want live when they are away for the weekend. And you can certainly take a lot of great ideas from this room for your own home. Bon Weekend!

Photos by Heather Clawson

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La Arquitecta Karim Chaman sigue deslumbrándonos con sus diseños y decoraciones en lo que fue CasaCor 2006. Esta vez con su proyecto virtual “Loft en la gran ciudad”, un departamento de estilo parisino de 400 m2 a todo lujo. Tal como publica y describe la revista caretas, la diseñadora y arquitecta Karim Chaman muestra la decoración de varios ambientes.
CasaCor 2006
El espejo retroiluminado y los colores de las alfombras dan mayor contraste y calidez a la sala.
CasaCor 2006
Dormitorio principal. Cama king size y veladores con cajones, forrados en cuero de lagarto, suspendidos en el aire. La “Jirafa chair” da mayor modernidad al ambiente. Las alfombras del dormitorio y de la sala (foto anterior) han sido diseñadas por Chaman.

CasaCor 2006
El baño principal. Sorprende encontrar en él una chimenea cuyo propósito es caldear el cuarto. Las jardineras de ramas secas pintadas en negro contrastan con la tina y el inodoro. Los pisos son de porcelanato italiano y la ducha es de granito negro.

CasaCor 2006
Para ganar espacio en la cocina los electrodomésticos han sido empotrados. Los pisos son de porcelanato blanco y la mesa de cuarzo negro.
Imagenes e informacion de karim chaman en: Caretas.com.pe
En Perú puede contactarse con la arquitecta y diseñadora Karim Chaman en: Av. Tudela y Valera 195 - San Isidro - Lima - Fonos: 01-4212232 - Cel: 999481231
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Bachelorette Pad Update

We interrupt our Hampton Designer Showhouse coverage to update you on what 's been going on with my bachelorette pad. I was there today to accept delivery of the new faux-bamboo etegere that I found last week at Elizabeth Bauer. The original plan was to replace her existing short bookcase with a taller one and we discussed the Oly Stella Shelf but this one was less expensive and works perfectly with the artwork. Sometimes it pays to wait until you find the right piece.

A few people have been asking me to post more about my work and I'm going to make more of an effort going forward but it's hard to show photos if you have any hope of getting a project published. Someone actually stopped by the bachelorette pad today to scout it for a photo shoot so hopefully you will be seeing the entire finished apartment published in a few months. I don't think this photo will ruin anything though because we still need to buy accessories and I will restyle the bookcase. A decorator's work is never done!

bachelorette pad before

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Otra vez la diseñadora Karim Chaman vuelve a encantarnos con sus novedosos y funcionales diseños y decoracion de oficinas, en esta ocasión, una oficina. Todos los diseños de esta oficina pertenecen a la arquitecta Karim Chaman, fueron publicados a través de la revista caretas, donde menciona que:
Para la arquitecta Karim Chaman, lo más importante en un escritorio o estudio personal es la funcionalidad. “Todo tiene que estar a la mano: gavetas, archivadores, equipo de música, lapiceros, CDs, televisor, de acuerdo a la necesidad de cada persona y a su estilo”.

Clásico: Oficina en el departamento para recibir a los clientes. Tiene un aire de cava, con estilo Toscani, rústico italiano. Diseñado por Karim Chaman.
En el caso de la foto principal, había que respetar el gusto de la familia por lo clásico y lo cálido. El piso de ladrillo pastelero de aspecto rústico es usado en la sierra. El ladrillo rococho en las paredes otorgó la apariencia de cava que se buscaba. Karim plasmó lo moderno en las líneas del escritorio y las butacas.
Asimismo la iluminación sí es un aspecto primordial. Con luces dirigidas desde un costado hacia el teclado y pantalla de la computadora, sea con luz halógena o cálida. O si apetece la lectura en un sofá, puede escogerse una lámpara también con luz dirigida. Lo importante es sentirse a sus anchas.
Lujo: En Casa Cor 2006, escritorio con todo lo necesario para los momentos de relax. Mesa de cristal, televisor y alfombras.
Algo que sí le parece esclavizante es hacer un escritorio en casa para acondicionarlo y llevar el trabajo de la oficina allí, pues eso nunca funciona: no hay desconexión total y no se disfruta con la familia. Por eso echó a volar su imaginación en el ‘escritorio relax del dueño de la casa’, para el último Casa Cor. Fue pensado para una pareja joven, unos magnates productores de cine. Allí todo es muy moderno y fastuoso, la mesa de cristal con base de acero, la alfombra de lana de oveja de Nueva Zelanda, el piso de concreto estampado y los adornos hechos por artistas. La iluminación decorativa es notoria porque este lugar fue creado más para disfrutar que para leer y trabajar.

Moderno: La alfombra es creación de Chaman. Ella aconseja separar con puertas acústicas el estudio del lugar de descanso.
Otro requerimiento que tuvo que atender, fue el de tener el estudio anexo al dormitorio, separado sólo por una puerta. “Es lo ideal para mí, un espacio muy personal a donde acudir a cualquier hora”, agrega. Los cristales corredizos en las puertas y la madera de los muebles crearon el ambiente acogedor, así como la pared de estacato (una especie de pedazos de mármol recortados), y la jardinera con plantas secas artificiales, al fondo, como continuación de la repisa.
Imagenes y fuente de: Caretas.com.pe
via Decoracion del Hogar
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Hamptons Designer Showhouse: Rooms by Katie Ridder

Sometimes it is the smallest rooms in a showhouse that make the biggest impact and that is definitely the case with designer Katie Ridder's butler pantry and bathroom in the Hampton Designer Showhouse this year. She is lucky that she had her own great line of wallpapers to choose from but how many people would really wallpaper a butler's pantry in real life? Usually they are such a small room that they get overlooked in the design process but with this bright cheerful paper, it becomes a jewel box.

One of the other designers in the house mentioned that she at first felt sorry that Katie Ridder got such small rooms but clearly she managed to do a lot with the wallpaper and accessories.

When you walk down the hall, the room makes you smile as you walk past it.

It's hard to photograph powder rooms well but you can get a sense of how cute the sailboat paper looks in a house by the beach! Small rooms are great places to make a big impact with wallpaper and take chances with pattern because there is less of a chance of a homeowner getting tired of the design since they see it in small doses.

Photos by Heather Clawson
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Hampton Designer Showhouse: Dining Room by Marshall Watson

The dining room at the Hampton Designer Showhouse is directly to your right when you enter the house and Marshall Watson has created a fabulous room to greet visitors! According to his description of the room, his firm decided to take the architectural details of the room down a notch by adding "rustic textures and natural linens, accompanied by both vintage and antique furnishings that command a strong presence."

There were a lot of wonderful details in this room including the English oiled walls, the monogrammed slip covers/place cards on the Spanish chairs, and the natural edged table.

I often see dining rooms in real life that look unfinished because no thought was ever really given to them since they are rarely used but this room doesn't leave any wall empty. The art and furniture around the sides complete the overall design wonderfully and make it look like a room you would want to use everyday!

There were a lot of lovely flower arrangements in the showhouse.

The most unique element in the room is the light fixture that lighting designer Mark Figueredo (MF Custom Lighting and Design, 631-329-5033) created from "bee skeps." It adds that natural element that any house near the beach should have to make it feel a little more casual.

At first I thought the wired flatware was part of the design until I remembered that sometimes showhouse visitors think they should be able to take home a souvenir. That happened to designer Garrow Kedigian at the Kips Bay Decorator Showhouse this year and he was very upset because the item taken was a sentimental object picked up in Paris. So this is a good time to remind everyone that the designers who participate in showhouses often borrow items from showrooms or their own homes and they must be returned so please do not steal anything! If you need a fix, you can always buy something at the gift shop!

UPDATE: I came across this great article today by Marshall Watson that describes exactly how much work goes into participating in a showhouse!

Photos by Heather Clawson

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