
A Shadow Falls

It's no secret that I am dying to go on an African safari but until I get there, I'm going to continue to gaze longingly at Nick Brandt's stunningly beautiful black and white photographs that I saw today on Luxury Culture. They are on exhibit at A.galerie in Paris until 24 December 2009 and are also compiled into a book A Shadow Falls that is definitely going on my Christmas list. The photos are like the gorgeous photographic love child of Peter Beard and Richard Avedon. You feel like you are looking into the souls of the animals and one could also say that Nick Brandt has also captured the soul of Africa with his photography. They will leave you moved and touched and perhaps compelled to book the next plane to Africa.

Photos by Nick Brandt
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Desain Rumah Minimalis- 3 lantai

Desain Rumah Minimalis- 3 lantai
Desain Rumah Minimalis- 3 lantai

picture above is a desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 design that cool, but cool for the model fitted with a model of young people today, making the driver more comfortable, more comfortable bike on the see and of course many women who are interested in you when you're on a desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 the following tutorials on all kinds of house ...:
how to design desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 not to be too extravagant ...?
how to design a tattoo drawing on our bikes ...!
how to make a cheap design that can be a dream ..!
The following is a desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 David Beckham ...!
Treatments at 5 desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 ...!
10 tips and tricks so that we can bike durable and not easily damaged ....!
8 new house models ...!
The following drugs for the virus that can kill the king that there was a virus on your computer ...!

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White tones interiors

Going through my files of interior images, I am always attracted by the images I filed of more or less "white tones interiors". Looking at them I feel a sort of calmness coming over me.
Although there can be used sometimes a lot of colourful decorative items and furniture, the white background catches all these and neutralizes the environment.

Do you notice the same experience looking at those images here below?

Image 1 Decorating with Antiques
Caroline Clifton-Mogg
Even hanging these colourful paintings, the room radiates calmness.

Image 2 My files
Although there are a lot of furniture here, the room has a peaceful air.

This image is of a new friend of The Living Art and Interiors blog.

Image 4 My files

This white tone woodpaneling is gorgeous, isn't it?

Image 5 Orac Decor

I do like the combination of dark wood and white walls.

Image 6 My files
White paneling, white carpet, white flowers.

Image 7 My files

Image 8 My files

Image 9 My files

Image 10 My files

White painted paneling in this Parisian apartment.

Image 11 My files

Image 12 Veranda Magazine

Image 13 My files

Image 14 Lefèvre Interiors

Image 15 Lars Bolander

In Swedish interiors a lot of white tones are used.

Image 16 Antiques for Today's Interiors
Geneviève Weaver and Helen Chislett
I prefer white walls for an entry hall.

Image 17 Decorating with Antiques
Caroline Clifton-Mogg
Dark coloured parquetry and white walls!

Image 18 Puur Landelijk
Enrica Stabile

Image 19 My files

Image 20 My files

The white and grey tones that Brooke from Velvet and Linen has used here are so well chosen! I really love this picture.

Image 22 Lefèvre Interiors

Image 23 My files

This image is from a beautiful new blog I found a few days ago: The Hjemmets Gleder blog.

Image 25 My files
And in a bedroom are often used white tones to stimulate a good night's rest.

Image 26 Room Seventeenstyle blog

Image 27 My files

Image 28 My files
I wish all of you a wonderful weekend! And I do hope that next week I will find more time to read all your posts! This week was too hectic!
Unfortunately I do not know the source of image 2,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,19,20,23,25,27,28.
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The Comfortable Home Winner!

Congratulations to Linda at Lime in the Coconut for winning the wonderful design book: The Comfortable Home - How to Invest in Your Nest and Live Well for Less.
Special thanks to Mitchell Gold, Bob Williams and Mindy Drucker.
Enjoy your weekend!!
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Desain Rumah Minimalis- 2 lantai

Desain Rumah Minimalis- 2 lantai
Desain Rumah Minimalis- 2 lantai

picture above is a desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 design that cool, but cool for the model fitted with a model of young people today, making the driver more comfortable, more comfortable bike on the see and of course many women who are interested in you when you're on a desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 the following tutorials on all kinds of house ...:
how to design desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 not to be too extravagant ...?
how to design a tattoo drawing on our bikes ...!
how to make a cheap design that can be a dream ..!
The following is a desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 David Beckham ...!
Treatments at 5 desain rumah minimalis rumah kecil 2007 ...!
10 tips and tricks so that we can bike durable and not easily damaged ....!
8 new house models ...!
The following drugs for the virus that can kill the king that there was a virus on your computer ...!

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Quilt gran estrella

Recientemente  fue el cumpleaños de Pilar  y  le preparé este quilt,  en tonos otoñales,  que ayer mismo le entregué en mano y con el que se llevó una buena sorpresa  . 

El centro lo  ocupa una gran estrella , muy sencilla de realizar por bloques de 8"x 8".

Puedes encontrar más patrones gratuitos como  centro de un quilt  aquí.
.......O combinarlos como te guste  con las medidas indicadas o adaptándolas a tus necesidades.

Estaba un poco preocupada con el montaje  en el centro , pero finalmente las puntas han quedado estupendas  y me encanta   cómo el acolchado le da textura a esta parte central que atrae la mirada cuando lo miras.

Para hacer juego con la gran estrella central , en vez de darle una terminación típica con el biés , le he añadido unos picos que lo hacen algo más diferente.
Ya lo hice en otro quilt anterior y quería repetir la ocasión. Ahí tienes un enlace de cómo hacerlos.

Así es la trasera. Se aprecia la estrella central gracias a los bordes rectos que he cosido utilizando uno de los accesorios de la máquina nueva con el que las rectas salen perfectas.Así, la estella adquiere cierto relieve y se destaca por encima del acolchado....... Otra oportunidad de seguir probando cosa nuevas con ella.

En este quilt también tiene otra novedad para mí , y es  que he  realizado el acolchado con hilo matizado en unos tonos degradados en beige y marrón que quedaban preciosos con los colores de las telas. Lo compré en la feria de Paris y estoy tan encantanda  con el resultado que en cuanto pueda probaré de nuevo esta  versión de hilo que se vende en pequeños conitos.

Como recuerdo de quién lo hizo y a quién va dirigido , le cosí este corazón en una esquina.

Otro quilt dobladito , esta vez con una apariencia diferente.

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