
Selasa, 07 April 2009

Thank you!

I want to thank everyone who has been so supportive and encouraging not only this week but since I started my blog! I forgot to thank photographer Eric Cahan in my last post for referring me to Jonathan Ragle who shot the bachelor pad. Eric was one of the first people to leave a comment on my blog in July 2007 and he continues to be a wonderful supporter and advice giver!

I just spent the evening at a design group event among old and new friends and I'm always struck by how supportive everyone is in this industry. Another interior designer was recently laid off and the community has already embraced him. I have no doubt that he will be more than ok because everyone will make sure of it! Well, that and the fact that he ridiculously talented!

I also want to apologize for the short post but HC was out most of the day and then had a few too many glasses of vino. Check back tomorrow for a post about how you can soon buy the drawings created by an interior design legend! Can anyone guess who it might be?

Photo by Eric Cahan, Interior design by Kimberly Ayres


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