
Kamis, 09 Agustus 2007

Yves Klein Part Deux

Don't you just hate it when you think you have a great idea for a post and someone beats you to it! I've been meaning to write about Yves Klein for awhile now and this morning, who do I see profiled by Nick Olsen over at Domino, but Yves Klein! So, I decided if you can't beat 'em, you might as well join 'em.

The photo above is a project my firm did for a client whose homes are among my favorites and below is the New York apartment of interior designer David Netto that was profiled in Vogue many years ago. I LOVE David Netto! I'm definitely going to have to profile him again later.

Anyway, I think they both show how something as modern as an Yves Klein table can look so at home next to an ancient Roman sculpture and surrounded antique furniture. If you design with what you love, you can never go wrong and what could be chicer than that?!

Photos by Bruce Buck and Francois Halard


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