
Kamis, 25 Oktober 2007

Habitually Chic Artist: Julian Barrow

Bethesda Fountain, Central Park, New York

I'm always in awe of artists who are capable of evoking the feeling of a particular place through their art, especially those old-school artists such as Julian Barrow. When the invitation for his upcoming exhibition at W.M. Brady & Co. in New York crossed my desk, I thought his art was just too spectacular not to share.

Julian Barrow, a painter of cityscapes, conversation pieces and interiors throughout the world, is an Englishman as comfortable in New York, Venice, and Rome as he is in London. His paintings convey his delight in travel and in getting to know a subject, whether it be architectural, human or a combination of both. He has exhibited regularly in New York, London and the Middle East since the 1960's after studying painting in Florence. His studio is in Tite Street, Chelsea, London in a Victorian building of studios where both Sargent and Whistler painted. And as you can see from his work, he is just as wonderful and talented as the former tenants!

After I uploaded my Julian Barrow post yesterday, I received a lovely email from Mary Aarons, Slim Arrons' daughter, mentioning that she had met Julian Barrow and admired his painting in person when she met him this past April at the Palatino (overlooking the Forum and Colliseum in Rome). How exciting is that?! She was even kind enough to send me the photo above. The best part about blogging is hearing fun stories like this that add another wonderful dimention to a story.

Park Avenue at 69th Street, New York

Dogana, Venice

Palazzi on the Grand Canal, Venice

St. Peter's, Rome

Horse Guards, London


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