
Senin, 21 Januari 2008

Does Robert Burke Owe Someone a Commission?

I was checking out Fashion Week Daily as I do everyday and came across the most interesting story below.

BURKE'S NEW PERCH: While juggling trips to Milan, Florence, Dubai, Qatar, South Korea, and Paris, where he is attending a few couture shows this week in between business meetings, Robert Burke managed to squeeze in selling his Murray Hill apartment. Not that it was ever on the market to begin with. "This realtor called me a few months ago saying her client saw the pictures of my apartment from Elle Décor posted on a design blog," Burke said. "She said, 'my client really, really wants to buy your apartment.'" Figuring he would never hear from her or the client again, the shrewd luxury consultant surreptitiously made an offer that was well beyond what would've been the appraised value.

Lo and behold, the realtor called back and said his client had agreed to the amount. Both parties signed the deal on Thursday. So now, upon his return from Paris, Burke, and his Steven Klein photographs, will be temporarily living out of a hotel until his new apartment--a full floor-through loft on Park Avenue South just north of Gramercy Park that's double the size of his old pad and comes with a rooftop terrace--is finished being renovated. "I'm going to have to get all new furniture now," he laughed. "This new place is more modern compared to my old place, which was classic--but not wound-up classic."

Now, I'm not exactly sure on which design blog they saw Robert Burke's apartment but I did profile it in it's entirety this past September in my post entitled Man About Town so it could have been mine. And in which case, I think I am entitled to a little commission on this deal. Don't you?! What do you say Mr. Burke? How about a little something for me?


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