
Kamis, 01 Mei 2008

Ok, Now Back to Work!

I've been doing some research recently for a new apartment project that I am about to undertake on my own, more about that next week, and I've noticed an interesting lighting trend that I am starting to appreciate. It involves lamps that I used to consider strictly desk lamps beside the bed and as living room table lamps. One example is the Equilibrium Table Lamp from Ralph Lauren that looks right at home in the bedroom designed by David Lawrence above.

I'm not sure the source of this particular lamp but it is another great option that David Lawrence has used in the bedroom above and the living room below.

A more reasonably priced alternative is the Studio Angle Draftsman's Lamp.

Of course, by now you know that David Lawrence used to work for Bruce Bierman, who I currently work for and it was in Bruce's work above and elsewhere that I first noticed this trend.

Another fan of the Ralph Lauren Equilibrium Table Lamp seems to be my friend David Jimenez who uses it in the masculine bedroom above and the two living rooms below.

I can't decide if it is just a coincidence that I've noticed these types of lamps used by male designers. I wonder if women would find these types of lamps appealing in their spaces.

Designer Ron Marvin uses a smaller version on his bedside table.

Even S. Russell Groves uses one on a console table. Makes me think again that decorating rules are meant to be broken now and then and to great effect. What do you think?


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