
Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009

Belgian Interior Design is setting tone!

Joni from Cote de Texas, did an amazing post of Belgian Design in her blogpost the other day.
As reading the comments on her post, she unchained a real discussion about Belgian Interior Design! She really did a good job, because writing a post that makes us thinking is very interesting!
As being a Belgian interior designer, it is so nice to read that almost all the readers of Joni's post, do love Belgian Design!

And it is true that if a certain design is "hot", from that moment on , it is brought to the masses!
Similar phenomenon is seen in fashion design.
So let us watch what Belgian Design is up to in future!

Indeed, to me, there is a difference between the real designers with their own thoughtful creations and the pseudo-designers with their look-a-like creations.
Question is: who are the real designers and who are the pseudo-designers?

Does the mass sees or feels the difference? Do we all have the perception of authenticity?

A thing to be sure of is, that when you visit the castle of Axel Vervoordt, our most famous designer, you feel pureness and authenticity in all the rooms of the castle!
I wonder what he would think about all this?

In addition to Joni's post , I would like to share some images of interiors, which are all from Belgian Designers (including my company).
Maybe, you will feel and see differences looking at them or you will notice the belgian craftsmanship...
I will not give any comment on the pics. My only intention is that you all enjoy them!

And Joni, thank you so much for adding Belgian Pearls to your bloglist!



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