
Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

Jardin du Luxembourg

The weather in New York today was rainy and left everyone in a funk so I thought it the perfect time to revisit summer and Paris! On the last day of our trip, Stefan left early so I was on my own until I had to head to the airport. After I saw the queue at the Musee d'Orsay, I decided to forgo seeing art and instead spend the 86 degree day out of doors. I couldn't think of a better place than the Jardin du Luxembourg since it was the one park we didn't tour together. It felt like an oasis and the potted palm trees just added to the exotic ambiance. I love Central Park but it can't hold a candle to the beauty of the Paris parks with their elegant statues and fountains. Looking at these photos makes me wish I was back in that warm sunshine right now. Le sigh. Maybe next year. Enjoy!

Photos by Heather Clawson


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