
Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

Janklow Townhouse Finally Sold!

Turns out that Luke and Julie Janklow are indeed divorcing. According to Page 6 today, the couple also just sold their beautiful townhouse in the West Village for $17.9 million which nets them quite a tidy profit since they only paid $4.5 for it in 2004. What recession right?!

As I'm sure you remember, the townhouse features white marble floors and was completely renovated. You can see more photos in my old post about it here.

The new buyers are developer Ara Hovnanian and his artist wife Rachel Lee Hovnanian. They just sold their apartment at 850 Fifth Avenue for just under $35 million. It was designed by the Dutch designer Piet Boon. The apartment and one of Rachel's paintings even graced the cover of his book above. It was mostly black and white as you can see from the follow photos so it looks like they will be right at home in the Janklow's old townhouse. I just hope they don't get rid of the beautiful Gracie wallpaper in the office!


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