
Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

Style de Vie

I'm off to a job site today but I'm leaving you with my favorite booth from the New York International Gift Fair, Style de Vie. We first noticed all the blueprints and other vintage documents covering the table and then we looked up to all the fabulous framed works and realized we needed to learn more. Jean-Christophe Hryb collects vintage graphics from around the world including maritime blueprints and trolley signs from the UK and school posters from France, in addition to matchbooks, hotel labels, scarves, maps, advertisements and more!

I love nothing more than trolling flea markets and thrift shops for vintage art but sometimes I just don't have the time or I might be looking for a specific type of art that is hard to find so Style de Vie will definitely be a great resource! Happy Shopping!


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