
Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Belgians introduced to the Swedish Interiors of Rhonda and Edie


Dear friends and readers, thanks to the Belgian Magazine LOOK-OUT, the Belgians are now introduced to our blogger friends Rhonda Eleish and Edie van Breems of the Swedish Interiors blog!

I was so pleased to see this beautiful article in the latest issue of this magazine! I couldn’t resist to post you the wonderful pictures, published in that issue! The pictures are all of the house of the two ladies. The 18th century house is named Hezekiah Thompson House and is located in Woodbury, Connecticut.

Rhonda and Edie, two childhood friends, inspired by their shared Swedish heritage, wanted to bring the best of Swedish design to the States.  At their showroom, located in Washington Depot, Connecticut you will discover beautiful Scandinavian treasures, fine Gustavian antiques mixed with modern and contemporary furniture designs from Sweden and Denmark.

Rhonda and Edie are also the authors of 2 wonderful books: Swedish Interiors and Swedish Country Interiors (see further in this post).

But first of all I want you to see these wonderful images of the house!! Enjoy!



Beautiful dining table with Gustavian chairs.



Love the elegance of the Swedish furniture!



The painted chairs and the dark coloured table is a beautiful combination.


F4  Gorgeous table and a wonderful clock.



Notice that lovely Swedish commode !



This settee is obviously French influenced.


F7  Love this bedroom!


F8 I had never seen a writing desk as this one before! The chair is upholstered with a typical Swedish fabric pattern.



Swedish country style. Notice that weathered wooden floor!




F14 It seems that the ladies have a wonderful collection of copper pots and pans.



The Swedish country kitchen in the house.



Even the outdoor furniture is in the Swedish style!


Did you enjoyed the house tour?

I so love the Swedish interior. The Swedish style is so refined and so charming!


F10 The ladies Rhonda Eleish (sitting) and Edie van Breems.

If you want to discover their beautiful Swedish furniture, than please go to visit their website http:/www.evbantiques.com.

The 2 beautiful books by Rhonda and Edie:


Swedish Interiors (Gibbs Smith, 2007)


Swedish Country Interiors (Gibbs Smith, 2009)



Click on logo to visit the blog of Rhonda and Edie.

Rhonda and Edie have been featured in a lot of Magazines as Country Living, House Beautiful,…So now I am proud to see that they have been featered in a Belgian Magazine! Special thank to the LOOK-OUT team!

And congratulations to you, Rhonda and Edie!



All pictures : Magazine Look-Out, Lente/Zomer 2010. Photographers :Jon Monson, L. Langdon Ergmann, Neil Tardino

Except : images of the book and logo : Swedish Interiors blog


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