
Minggu, 18 April 2010

Pretty Ballerinas

I was just lamenting the other day that I couldn't find any good flats. Loeffler Randall used to be my go to source but they don't have any for sale for spring. So I was very excited when my friends and I decided to stop into Pretty Ballerinas after my birthday lunch at JG Melon. Ballerina flats can be tricky because not all of them are comfortable but the Pretty Ballerinas felt comfortable the minute I slipped them on. They also offer what seems like a million different styles! I loved some of the snakeskin options but they were out of them in my size so I settled on the Marilyn in grosgrain ribbon above (they look better in person!). Pretty Ballerinas have been popular in Europe but just opened their first store in the US in New York. I highly recommend that you check them out. Your feet will thank you for it!


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