
Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Her Mother's Clothes

I've been seeing this book My Mother’s Clothes for a while but didn't know what it was about until today. The timing couldn't have been more perfect than the day before mother's day since it's about the author's mother. More specifically, as the title suggests, her mother's clothes, but the reason behind it so heartwarming. Jeannette Montgomery Barron set about photographing her mother's clothing to create a scrapbook for her as she was about to move out of her house but it ended up helping her remember stories as she was dealing with advancing Alzheimer's. You must watch the video on the author's website as she tells the story in her own words. It brought a tear to my eye and made me think about how my own mother's wardrobe. Happy Mother's Day!

UPDATE: Apparently some readers aren't actually reading this post clearly and think this book is about my mother's clothes. I want to clarify that this book is about the author and photographer, Jeannette Montgomery Barron's mother's clothes. She spent a lot of time and effort on this moving book and I don't want there to be any confusion! Thanks!

Eleanor Morgan Montgomery Atuk (1922 -2007)


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