
Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Kips Bay Decorator Show House 2010: Cullman & Kravis

I could have spent all day in the dining room by Cullman & Kravis at the Kips Bay Decorator Show House and that was the point.  The designers behind this chic room told me that if someone owned this big townhouse, they would probably entertain a lot.  That prompted them to design a dining room that guests would never want to leave.  Clearrly it worked on me!  They are calling the room "Dinner at Eight" and it honors eight great chefs.  They each have their own place at the table and books and photos on the shelves.  It was another room that revealed itself in layers and little surprises.  What looked like a pagoda in the window was actually a stack of copper pots while the pops of turquoise add life to the neutral color palette.  I absolutely loved the large scale Candida Hofer photograph above the buffet and the Joel Meyerowitz above the fireplace as well as the artwork sprinkled throughout.  It's definitely a room that says bon appétit!

The very chic Tracy Pruzan and Elissa Cullman of Cullman & Kravis.

Photos by Heather Clawson for Habitually Chic 


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