
Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

Chic at Work

Sometimes I miss working in an office.  I used to think up more creative outfits because I didn't want to bore my co-workers by wearing the same thing each week.  Since the same people don't see me everyday now, I feel like my outfits have gotten a little boring.  One of my New Year's resolutions is to restyle my wardrobe and take more risks.  That's why I like Vogue's new online feature, Five Days, Five Looks.  Who better to learn from than those who work at the chicest magazine.  Senior Accessories Editor, Filipa Fino, is up this week and I love her classic style with pops of colorful accessories.  She's definitely my new style idol. I will definitely be emulating her look after we dig out from the blizzard.  Until then, I hope no one sees what I'm wearing!  Happy New Year!

Photos by Marko MacPherson


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