
Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

Meet Fay


A few days ago I discovered the new blog “A MELANGE ET MOI”, which I really love to visit! Fay, the author is English, but is living in Florence, Italy, for the past two years (she was living in London and Paris before)! She is such a very nice person! And her blogposts are so delightful!

So I definitely wanted to introduce you to Fay!

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The lovely Fay in the snow!


Fay is living in the historic centre of Florence… and this is the view from her kitchen window…..!

View from Fay's kitchen window (2)

...in summer …and …

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…in winter…!!!


Fay enjoys all the good things in life.

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And she has a lot of passions as…


… art and history,


Firenze june july 2009 334


literature, opera,…


Fay fully enjoys life and appreciates the little things in life as…


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…baking a Christmas cake…


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…and tasting the delicious French macarons…


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or walking with her dogs in Firenze!


Writing her blog “ A Melange et Moi “, Fay tries to share with us her passions and daily delights!

Please , click on logo of the blog and discover the wonderful world of our new blogger colleague Fay!



  Let me know your thougts! I (even Fay, I might think) would love to hear !



Christmas wishes

All images : blog “A Melange et Moi”


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