
Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Painted panelling and bookcases

Jan and I are very busy to finish some projects before the end of the year, so I do not have that much time to blog! Next year I will share some pictures of all the projects we were working on this year!

Today I have chosen to post some pictures of painted panelling and bookcases of earlier projects.

The pictures are all of the portfolio of our company LEFEVRE INTERIORS.

1Lefèvre Interiors


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3 Lefèvre Interiors


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6 Lefèvre Interiors


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7 Lefèvre Interiors


17 Lefèvre Interiors


18 Lefèvre Interiors


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10 Lefèvre Interiors


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21 Lefèvre Interiors


Talk to you soon!




All images : copyright LEFEVRE INTERIORS


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